it just never ends with the labor green mess

  1. 46,444 Posts.
    The sooner they are consigned to the bin the better.

    Magistrate who allowed alleged bikie bail was a former Labor Senate candidate

    A SUNSHINE COAST magistrate who has defied the Newman Government's crackdown on criminal gangs to release a bikie on bail is a failed Senate candidate with a history of contentious decisions - including ignoring the one minute silence in her courtroom on Remembrance Day.

    As well as infuriating war veterans over the snub, Bernadette Callaghan, a former senior union official, has also previously lashed out at police for arresting a man for giving them a rude gesture, and criticised politicians for having "rocks in their heads".

    Despite new laws that not only declare bikies illegal but also compel the courts to treat them more harshly, Ms Callaghan let a Rebel with 'FTP' for F... k the Police tattooed on his forehead walk this week, insisting there was not enough evidence to suggest he was a gang member.

    A furious Premier Campbell Newman said it was time legal ``insiders'' got out of the way of the crackdown.

    Police bosses say they will take legal action to overturn the decision.

    Mr Newman said it was high time the judiciary understood that Queenslanders wanted criminal bikies behind bars.
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