it was hotter in 1790, page-7

  1. 16,819 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 356
    Personally I remember the summers of my youth,or should I say my juvenile years ,they were hotter for longer as far as I can remember and that was 50 years ago .What we seem to have now are wild swings from scorchers to actually being cold within 36 hours of each other.

    It's fairly simple as I see it .In historical terms the ice age relative to the totality of the earth's existence is comparatively recent .It really is a recent event .To look at temperatures over the last century or so and to say that the earth is warming up is completely nonsensical .The fluctuations that we are seeing are miniscule comparative to the history of life .There is no actual hard evidence that the earth is warming although we all know that industrialisation and the congregation of the masses to the cities does cause a general cosiness and obvious pollutants into the atmosphere .But I can guarantee you it's no hotter in the outback of far north Queensland now than it was 2000 years ago .

    People need to get realistic and stop the politicising of this issue to find a way to better manage the crowding and overpoulation of our cities.But to say coal mines have something to do with it is laughable .A complete furphy.
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