it would have been awesome if TRUMP's COUP had succeeded, page-6

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 178
    Trump tried the playbook that the rwnjs kept claiming Obama was going to use.
    Real real nujobs. You know like Hannity.

    And some conservatives—who have previously accused Obama of wanting to confiscate their guns, ammo, Bibles, and even Cheerios and fishing rods—have taken this as one more assault upon individual liberty from a radical president. Because the order identifies essential items that should be stockpiled in extreme scenarios—from livestock and water to construction materials and pharmaceutical products—some on the right have sounded the alarm.

    “Obama authorizes himself to declare martial law.” The column‘s author, Jeffrey Kuhner (who has a habit of referring to the president as a neo-pagan Lenin), writes that the order represents “a sweeping power grab that should worry every American” that “one would expect to find in Hugo Chavez’s Venezuela or Vladimir Putin’s Russia.” Kuhner posits that Obama is gearing up for a devastating transatlantic war with Iran, in which Tehran-sponsored Hezbollah cells would retaliate by bombing American cities.

    Fox News host Sean Hannity claimed the executive order grants Obama absolute power in peacetime and crisis “over any and all American resources,” including food, plants, and energy sources. Pamela Geller, over at her anti-Muslim and birther blog Atlas Shrugs, labeled it the latest attempt by the Obama administration to nationalize everything (“even you”). She insisted that the order calls for an uncompensated “civilian draft” for government labor, and dubbed it a “totalitarian” edict from “der fuhrer.” Other outlets and commentators, including Daily Paul, Reason, and Alex Jones, weighed in with similar concerns. (Skeptics at the right-leaning Daily Caller, Hot Air, and even WorldNetDaily—yes, that WorldNetDaily—didn’t buy the latest conspiracy theory.)

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