ITE i.t.& e limited

ite signs hoa with queensland treasury corporation, page-31

  1. 399 Posts.
    it&e (ITE)

    Christmas Greetings everyone, ....

    and especially to CopperDigger, Underlord, On The Nose, Wombat, Vrfrioni, stockp[anther, kmthor, Danlupi, and forgive me for any erstwhile corespondents I may have inadevertently overlooked ...

    For me Christmas is an especially valuable and joyful time--coz for those who are commited to and associate with the Christian religion-- the meaning of CHRISTmas ..... is in the Name we Westerners give it--.....namely CHRISTmas.... which of course revolves around; Immanuel-- 'God With Us'.... and makes guys like me think of :

    (1) TS Elliot's wonderful poem, The Three Magi....Wise Men/Astrologers... from the East) ...

    (2) The Miracle of the Christ Child -- God Incarnate--born to such humble people like Mary & Joseph

    (3) For shareinvestors like me who love the joy of compounding, can only wonder at the amazing compounding story that exists in the amazing growth of the millions and billions of human followers; globally, through the Centuries-- of that Child....Jesus Christ---

    (4) Also, for shareholders like me..... who love to see the significance of:-- metaphor, images, inflexion, Symbols, foretellings, pretexts, & prophetic signs in the most banal and unlikely of contrarian places,(example--??-- a smelly animal Stable in the Middle East--Bethlehem--hmmmmmm......) ---- I for one; also always marvel at the accuracy of Isaiah's prophesies -- 500 years before the First Christmas, and how prescient and accurate he was....--wow....and the paradoxes and ironies of the Kingship and Power of the very Son of God Incarnate in the most "unkingly and depowered and humbled circumstances...." --(....Talk about..... True intrinsic Value.... with what was hidden to many eyes-- Sustainable & Endurable Competitive Advantages !!)....

    All lots to reflect on CHRISTmas... that is for sure.

    With regards to timing-- it has often been my observation; that setting up "artificial target barriers" in one's subliminal consciousness-- along the lines of.... hoping and expecting for a series of announcments by a certain FIXED DATE..... to validate one's choice in a specific and particular share -- can potentially, imo, be very wealth destructive indeed.

    Have any of you ever tried one of my faves...? errrr waht is that robbo...? Decision Trees and permutations and Combinations....?

    Answer...No Robbo, sounds awfuly dull, borinfg and complicated.

    Response over a cold CHRISTmas Crownie or three.. Well it is not actually; but agree it might sound that way....

    errrr....Dare to try one .....just for fun...??

    Oh what the heck, 'yeah why not'.....--but please do NOT make it cryptic, the Silly Season has addled my brain for any more of your blasted infernal puzzles....

    Ohhhh.......okay then....

    Okay then; lets play.....

    Say for example had a particualr amount of shares in a company--let's call it Share XYZ....and that sahre--just as a stab in the dark was now beeing bought and sold at say.... hmmmmmm... oh I dunno; but let's say; just as a pot luck number....for say the 15, 16 -17 cents the present time.....

    So how many shares do we have in XYZ share at say 15-16 cents range...?

    Call it a round number.....shall we say, 100, 000 shares in XYZ sahre at say 15- 16 cents.

    So if we HYPOTHETICALLY sold them all; we might get the lower end of the range.....-- say;

    --$15, 000....


    But stuff it. We want something in our Christmas Stocking.

    But guess what...?


    Well, despite what we Hope and/or Hope for-- namely a Given result by a given Date-- God wants to teach us P for patience.....

    But I don't believe in God.....says someone from the bleaches.

    Okay then,fair enough.....

    Let's say that The Fates--say the greek god Zeuss.... or the Inner Muse or whatever -- want to teach us Patience....Whatever......whatever....

    Patience is the name of option A.

    Option B, the name of is selling for a miserly $15, 0000.

    Now how do we justify waiting....?

    Why do we wait...?

    Why should we not just yield to frustration, annoyance, and that voice that tells us that because Miss Market has not got off her Ass, and 'wound up'..... that XYZ ticker Price; to say 35 cents, or 55 cents or $1.00 or whatever... (errrr if we are Totally Wasting out time watching the ticker price which I trust we are not).....--surely we can find a share that will go up TOMORROW.... and RIGHT NOW....

    .... Ahhhhhhh .....yesssss.... the laws of mind games and subtle tricks of the mental we swing on the PUB hammock--contemplating the fluffy white Clouds -- in the blue heat haze over the horizon.....

    --- Guess what the share price of XYXZ stock might have been when someone vaguely familiar first called it --on some other Distant memory site--only 3 months ago-- it might have been 7.8 cents....

    --But do shares rise in a steady progression--like on a Stairway to Heaven....mmmmm..sometimes-- but so often tehy go up and down and up and down and up and down and up again....

    --- Who wins.....????

    The holder or the Dabbler...and the in and out freak....?

    Answer: Interesting question....& you know my own view....

    Back to the What If Game--otherwise knowsn as the Decision tree or Game theory or whatever....

    So what is the Deal....if the share is 29 cents in late Feb, and 50 cents in March... and does NOTHING.... and I mean NOTHING in late December and January....

    errrrrrr..... unless we day trade for a living .....and are trying to make pennies from 5-7% movements either side of the small margin b/w the Buyers Price and Sellers Price--YUK-- not for me folks-- then we have to either Give Up.... andget frustrated or we calmy --"sock it"......

    What does "Sock it"-- mean....?

    Put it in Bottom Drawer with Socks you never wear....from 5 Christmasses ago....

    What; that's it !!!!!!... Is that the Sophisticated extent of Game theory...????????

    errrr...for the purposes of this little Scenario--yep...that about covers it, imo.....

    Gosh; how boring and innae and mundane.... Robbo. Yeah it is isn't it.... So is the situation (if hypotheisis is Sound) when XYZ stock is 50 cents ++ in march-- and your $15K is now worth $50, 000.

    As you can see, you'd probably make more from Day Trading....

    Yeah, $35 K in 3 months (with a month off for the Silly season)-- is Crap-- especially with a $15K Base... )...

    Yeah, stuff it, I am selling XYZ now,,, Buying a Trading CFD Option Course for $5000 and a Black Box with White Polka Dots Software that can simmualte 57 Trades every hour--and "guaranteedly" Beat the market. What a good idea Robbo....

    Yeah !!!!

    Only problemo... is I am too lazy... I am heading backing to the PUB hammock where I bellong;..... pass me another Cold Christmas Crownie maxie...

    Coming right up Robbo....

    Ohhh by the way; we at the Pub, get to keep the Mars Bar.....

    Answer to the puzzle was: two S's for Sheer Scale--And that Sheer Scale is Global and has a Tsunami of buidling inetic Energy behind it....imo.... of course....
    And also, marry that to the other Porter's Five Forces.... if You get my drift.

    Finally; with the Qld Treasury thingo.... have asy one also seen the true significance of this...?

    And very finally, not saying that there will not be any Announcments before CHRISTmas... I do not know. I think there "might be", I really do....

    But this is Missing the Point .... of couse; imo.

    It JUST..... does not matter, imo. Do you get the dimensionality of why it does not matter.....?? on my assessment...?

    Trust 'the penny'---- is dropping.

    Kindest Regards and Happy CHRISTmas (and remember the reason .....for the Season....),

    Robbo .

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