CPU 1.61% $34.65 computershare limited.

Yeah, my back of the hand calculation on the NY Mellon deal...

  1. 12 Posts.
    Yeah, my back of the hand calculation on the NY Mellon deal shows it adding about 7-12 cps earnings. It would be nice to see the deal go through, but keep in mind earnings wise these wont be reflected in results for a fair while. The strong aussie dollar is still a bit of a pickle for CPU.

    I know you say its extremely undervalued stanislaw, but keep in mind that this stock got pummeled down to $2 after 9/11. Grim market sentiment can sink CPU like a stone. But I do like the company !

    Honestly i'll be quite happy if the calls on my stock are excercised, I dont think i can say no to a quick 10% profit. Alternatively if the stock keeps trading sideways or doesnt break the down trend its been in for a couple of months, im equally happy to keep writing calls on it.
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Mkt cap ! $20.29B
Open High Low Value Volume
$34.19 $34.92 $33.91 $49.27M 1.422M

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No. Vol. Price($)
2 19566 $34.65

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Price($) Vol. No.
$34.75 250 1
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Last trade - 16.10pm 14/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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