it's a miracle abbott didn't hit him

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    It's a miracle Abbott didn't hit him - click on title for source article

    Can I just say the Mark Riley's report on Channel 7, showing footage of a bitter Opposition leader Tony Abbott saying "shit happens" when discussing in Afghanistan the tragic shooting of an Australian soldier, is the nastiest, dirtiest "gotcha" I've seen in years.

    I am not surprised in the slightest that Abbott was driven into a mute, shaking rage at Riley's effrontery in suggesting he'd made light of the soldier's death.

    Abbott treat a soldier's death lightly? Any fool would know that could not possibly be true. And the words in context clearly show that Abbott was referring to the tragic "fog of war" that had taken the life of an Australian, whose funeral he later attended.

    "Smart arse" doesn't cover Riley here. It doesn't convey both the malevolence and the desperate headline-seeking. I'd put it in the same category as Mark Latham's vicious slur on Gillard's lack of heart.

    Every soldier knows exactly what Riley pretends he doesn't: Or is Riley next going to accuse Major General Cantwell of making light of his own soldier's death, too?

    The footage shows Mr Abbott discussing a gunfight that occurred in August last year that claimed the life of Lance Corporal Jared MacKinney.

    The Liberal leader is talking in Tarin Kowt six weeks later with the commander of Australia's Middle East forces, John Cantwell, and US commander Jim Creighton.

    Colonel Creighton says of the digger's death: "Was it tragic? Absolutely. But we're all in the knowledge that all the stuff (firepower support) you see here and more was available on the day."

    In response, Mr Abbott says: "It's pretty obvious that, well, sometimes shit happens, doesn't it."
    Immediately, Major General Cantwell replies: "It certainly does, yeah."

    The defence association's executive director, Neil James, says no digger or their family would think the opposition leader's comments insensitive - once they know the context.

    "They're discussing the skirmish ... and Tony Abbott makes his comment "Sometimes shit happens" and John Cantwell says straight away "It certainly doe", Mr James told AAP.

    "They're discussing the fact that in war tragedies sometimes occur."

    Abbott issues a press release stating what any adult would never have thought needed saying:

    Late last year, I visited the Tarin Kowt base in Afghanistan at the invitation of the Chief of the Defence Force. A few weeks earlier, Lance Corporal Jared MacKinney had been killed in a firefight with a large number of insurgents. Subsequently, one of his comrades had written an email suggesting that Jared had died because of inadequate fire support. This email had received wide publicity and, on my visit, I was keen to better understand the circumstances of the incident and the firepower available to support our troops.

    It was in this context that the firing demonstration had been arranged. In subsequent discussion, captured on film later released to Channel 7 under FOI, I agreed with the American operational commander and the Australian theatre commander that the military seemed to have more than enough available support. Jared's death was more likely one of the terrible things that happen in war for which no one or nothing could necessarily be blamed.

    Channel 7 sought to use this footage to accuse me of making light of Jared's death. I would never do such a thing and did not. If Channel 7 had been there they would have known this. The material was used out of context. It clearly did not bear the interpretation that Channel 7 placed on it. Channel 7 should not be revisiting a soldier's death to create a media circus.

    I have sought to make contact with Jared's widow and will apologise if she was in any way upset by my actions or comments.

    Yet watch the usual suspects try to turn a comment no soldier would read as a insult into a career-ending gaffe. Journalists were so fast to damn Abbott for allegedly "playing politics" over the Queensland floods; now watch many of the same preachers play politics with the death of an Australian soldier.

    As for the man's poor widow:

    After speaking to Beckie MacKinney on Tuesday night, the Liberal leader said there were no "issues between us" and that was where the matter should rest.

    Incidentally, have you noticed a concerted media campaign from late last week to claim that Tony Abbott is on his last legs as Opposition Leader. Then the Newspoll came out showing he'd dragged the Opposition to a 52-48 lead over Labor? I have no idea if Abbott's chief rivals - Malcolm Turnbull and Joe Hockey - are briefing against him, but any Liberal MP with a brain would judge by the results. Under Turnbull, the party seemed finished for a decade. Under Abbott they nearly stole an election less than a year later, and lost only after Labor was forced the ditch the most popular PM polls had ever recorded. And now it will take a miracle to save Labor at the next election.

    Abbott in trouble? Look first to Labor, and wonder at who is trying to save it with this speculation.

    UPDATE 3

    A reader tells me Riley on MTR tonight was now trying to claim he wasn't insinuating anything. I haven't heard that interview, but just for the record, note that the Channel 7 newsreader introduced Riley's report by stating as a matter of fact that Abbott had been "caught on tape making an insensitive remark about one of our fallen soldiers". No insinuation at all. Just an outright accusation. But check out Riley again, just as with Bush, denying exactly what he was was doing:

    Abbott: "I would never seek to make light of the death of an Australian soldier."

    Riley: "I'm not suggesting that."

    Have the courage to stand by your slur, man.

    Also check out how the Sydney Morning Herald frames Abbott, choosing a photo to make him seem like he really was smirking at the death of a soldier:

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    Below is the expression that was actually on Abbott's face on the very second he said "shit happens". Is he smirking, as the SMH would have you believe?

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