it's a miracle abbott didn't hit him, page-73

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    Hi michelef

    Re; " ... We saw how Channel 7 allowed the Sunrise show to be used to launch the juggernaut that was KRUDD. And ultimately catapulted him to primeministership. ...."

    Most people will recall that Sunrise played host to BOTH Joe Hockey & Kevin Rudd. Joe may well soon lead the LP.

    IMO that worked very well for Ch7, Hockey & Rudd until the election appeared on the horizon. Rudd's appearance on the show then caused him significant political damage. In the lead up to the election the media published numerous damaging reports - I recall the constant re-hashing of Rudd drunk in a NY night club with pole dancers.

    IMO Rudd became PM because of his fierce desire to do so and the clear vision for the future he conveyed to us. Rudd enabled us to see through the increasingly self-serving, lazy, tired & too clever by half Howard Govt. He flew in the face of massive media criticism from the likes of Piers Akerman & Adnrew Bolt and emphatically drew a line in the sand with the union movement.

    IMO Ch7 had little to do with Howard's fall from grace and Rudd's ascension and IMO there is no justification to make statements such as;
    " ... Be warned Channel 7, some of us are starting to connect the dots ..."

    IMO and to restate the obvious; Abbott LOST the election because he did NOT provide a clear vision for the future and based his campaign on the belief that Govt's lose elections rather than Oppositions winning them. He LOST even though the media portrayed him as "Action Man".

    IMO atm Abbott is showing us what he does NOT believe in: limiting middle class welfare, holding mining companies to account, addressing climate change, stable govt., addressing poverty and inequity through overseas aid, systematically addressing the impact of natural disasters, the NBN etc. IMO he appears to want to control media releases and influence the behaviour of journos - maybe even censorship.

    IMO the media has a responsiblity to ensure the public is aware of what Abbott really does stand for and atm that appears to be a fanatical, naked lust for power.
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