it's already a done deal folks!

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    Whilst we all chatter and argue uselessly amongst ourselves, (and who takes any notice of us and our opinions?) it's already in the bag for Labor. Probably has been since day one - thanks to windsor and his cousin Hawker.

    Katter will announce he's for Liberals. Today or tonight.
    Either because he really is, or because it suits a cooked up plan unknown to us to make us think they are all thinking independently. Rubbish!!!

    The other two, Oakeshott, and Windsor, will then come out tomorrow or Tuesday and put the knife into the Coalition and go for Labor/Greens. Tony Windsor has (just) today backed the Labor spend-up of $43 Billion plus plus - saying the Liberal's Broadband plan will "put Australia into the backwoods" - or similar words.

    This is a very neat and cunning set-up. Katter - vindciated as far as his own electorate and their provlicity for the Coalition.

    Windsor (who'll probably retire next election or soon after, so doesn't give a darn about HIS constituents and their majority view,) will go with Labor, confirmed today with his nonchalance about a 43$ ++++ spend-up on a white elephant.

    And Oakeshott - he'll go for Labor/Greens - wants "welcome to Land" before Parliamentary prayers,a Committe of Costings (so what's Treasury for??) and all sorts of other Greeny loony add ons - so he's in the Gillard Bag!

    That gives Labor their 76 - and makes the Independents look
    (to dummies) as if they are truly independent!

    They must think we're all stupid out here.

    YOu can e-mail these blokes till the cows come home.

    Thats their little plan. They all come out smelling like roses, with the outcome they wanted at the outset1

    Windsor, of course, doing the bidding of cousin Bruce.

    What weak-kneed, principle-less, ethic impoverished cowards!

    And what HELL on earth they're committed we, the public, to.

    This is Government by stealth and dirty deals. It is an illegitimate Government, put in by these three blokes who are only interested in themselves.

    None of us, Labor, Family First, Caluthumpian, KNEW that there'd be a deal of marriage struck between Labor/Greens!

    If you feel wild enough to e-mail, then do so. But you'll be wasting your time and effort.

    This WILL be the outcome. Not even bettable odds.

    what a pathetic lot these so-called "independents" are!

    They have hoodwinked us for nearly two weeks - and enjoyed every minute of treating us like absolute idiots!

    So much for democracy. So much for the Liberals winning the Primary and 2nd Preferences. And for ending up with a seat amjority, no matter how small.

    And these three Stooges think of themselves as high minded? And thinking of Australia??

    What rot!!!

    If I am right, I wish them all the worst luck in the world.
    Australia will struggle for the next (set term now) of three years - and probably beyond that.
    Voters now are shallow - and don't have a clue. Or could care less, most of them.

    I am cutting right back on my political commentary if the above scenario is right (and I know it is!) (Hooray say many) as I am so disillusioned, so fed up, that I am not willing to spend any more of my valuable time arguing the finer points. If I'm right - and I'm sure I am - at least give me some credit for that!

    With malleable, short-sighted dills like these dictating to us, with NO understanding of Treasuty and how it works, and controlling who's running the country, wanting to impose carnon tax, mining tax, death duties, capital gains tax, cutting out Health Insureance rebates, etc. PLUS the upheaval and loony policies of most of Greens' influences, this country is headed way down the plughole.

    Democracy - we had it once! Not any more!

    There HAS to be a better way.

    Trouble with Aussies though - they'll sit in a restaurant and eat cold soup rather tna complain. THey don't seem to have the necessary spirit to speak up - and protest!

    Best wishes to ALL on this forum.
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