Noticed??The whole of Australian politics now is ALL ABOUT...

  1. 8,527 Posts.

    The whole of Australian politics now is ALL ABOUT GILLARD!
    HAS ALWAYS been all about Gillard. Poor Tim - bet theyv'e got two bathroom mirrors. The big one's for her!

    And before her, Rudd -(who was back to asking himself questions, then answering them, this morning. A most annoying habit! And he sounded as boring and self-centred as ever.) No, leopards don't change spots.

    Gillard has always been for Gillard. Now, with the Slipper Slipperiness, and the Jenkins cave-in - forced upon him (but bet there's a juicy Contra deal- just we won't know what it is) her Machiavellian manoeuvering's got a ribbon on the top. What do you think - Gillard - "Machiavellian of 2011"??) Hve to give it to her - she;s good at it. (And letting others stand front of her and take all the resultant flak.)

    If she wasn't so dangerous - this might be funny.
    She's now proved herself dangerous - very dangerous - and Australia will suffer badly until we can out her - mark my words!

    Our Constitution is badly flawed - to have holes in it which let such atrocities happen, i.e. our democratic rights getting trashed!) is appaling. Urgent re-vamp needed. WE - the PEOPLE - ARE Australia, Gillard - in case you happened not to notice - it's OUR country, not YOURS, to do ith whatever you like, acording to your questionable
    political aims.

    Ever noticed - those who don't careabout anything but themselves don't notice. Unless it's all about themn. Yet our current laws are weak, allowing her to proceed on her voyage of vitriol and kik us in the teeth - and she laughs and jeers whilst doing it! Hateful woman.

    Imgagine our beloved Australia as a big ball of rare plasticine.
    Soft, mouldable, flexible, a precious possession, handballed from one leader to leader at election after election. The hopes of the public from each leader should be thr prime care and consderation of each leader, fairly concentrated on, and their sole aim should be to acheive best outcomes for their country and it's ongoing best welfare.

    This is not the case with Gillard. The Arrogant.

    Some leaders of integrity, courage, humbleness, and good and honorable intent to do good for others, accept this precious ball, knowing it is their temporary responsibility, for a short few years. They crefully sit and ponder, unselfish, committed to the most important thing of all, adjusting and re-moulding this ball where necessary, but guarding this most treasured of possessions and moulding it carefully and with love into what's best for the Australian people. Not themselves!

    Gillard, devoid of any visible seeming concern for the main game, which should always be the welfare and safety (in all aspects) of the Australian people, is showing us she's devoid of such such lofty unselfish qualities, If she ever had them, which I allege she did not.

    No, ambition, public adulation, slef promotion, and her own well-hidden true political agenda are paramount. She snatches this ball (out of then hands of Abbott - with a gleeful "I've got the Independents (via Hawker) on my side nanananenana sneer", and starts down this highly self-centred dangerous path of her own self-gratification, and damn the rest of us. It's all Gillard, Gillard, Gillard.

    Don't delude yourself she gives two hoots about any one of us! She doesn't. Great at producing crocodile tears, and switching them off fast, she's a Far Far Left Red lady born and bred - an alleged Marxist. If she now pretends she's centre, it's only to deceive, fool us, and she does it now for her own political expediency. and to make her paths through internttional corridors appear more benign. And, frankly, just to get re-voted back in. Such a cynical calculator and plotter, so many allege. I allege they're damn right.

    I allege Obama also has strong (carefully hidden) Marxist tendencies - no wonder they got on so well. And under his watch, USA is becoming a worse basket case. With the emohasis on pandering to the UN - which mow has 56 Islamic countries, on its membership, busy pursuing their onw agneds of dictating to major Western democracies what they should do - and how they must live - and GIVE!!! (Another subject for another day!)
    Obama can orate, yes, but will the REAL Barrack Hussein Obama please stand up??

    Leaving an immense and now ever worsening swathe of damage of all kinds in her wake, safe it seems from any inquiry, authority, or serious perusal of requirement to answer qestuions about what she's really planning for our benefit, and smugly hoping the Craig Thomson episode disappears (which she'd be yelling about if he was a Lib/Nat!) and Fair Work had dragged it's heels for two years suporting an akllged fraudster Liberal! - Gillard now has this precious ball of Australia absolutely glued in her grip.

    One law for mine, and another for the others -the motto of this self-absrobed, vain woman. Unfathomably, she expects us all to "love" her. What - BECAUSE she's a woman??

    Anyone with any opposing view to hers or her will as to how Australia is to be governed is now powerless to stop her onoing, arrogant, and absolutely focussed on herself and her own ends rampage. Perhaps we should built her her own Tower of Canberra - complete with de-capitating swordsman and block. and the rack in the dungeons. She's now morphing from PM to Dictator at a very fast rate - but none of ehrs has the couyrsge to defy her - ther cushy salries would disappear. Can't have that! Money ahead of principles - even to free ones own country from her iron greedy grip?? Sound familiar?? Love doesn't conquer all. Love of money does.

    She's now told Australia where it can go. we all knw she doesnt gve two hotos for us, or our familes or outcomes.And is laughing in all our faces, having succeeded. And WHY - we're all sitting here mesmerized - too scared to oppose her, speak out, or even, it seems, say boo!!
    The old - "Aussies will sit in a posh restaurant and eat unhot soup rather than make a fuss routine!" (And they do!!)

    More with young people! Where are THEY in their indignation!!??

    Too busy partying, methinks, no clue that they're being so evilly and cynically manipulated on the altar of this woman's utter self-obsession and arrogant gloating. Today's young needed to have experienced the horrors of watching WW2 unfold and evolve - might sharpen up their sensibilities and their need to love their counrty abilities! (and rid them of much of their selfish self-obsessions today!)

    Get off those young backsides and speak out - defend your country - DO SOMETHING -
    (or have you, our young, all been so brainwashed in school and Uni you think she's actually terrific??) Because the Leftists got to your brains early and moulded THEM!

    "POWER AT ALL COSTS" - I suggest this is probably her main fridge sticker!~!

    Can I just repeat - for anyone who's remotely interetsed - I am not a member of any political party, or any other similar party or organisation (such as Get-Up). Which has lots of money and a cast of thousands, to support the Left propganda.

    I prefer to listen hard, and draw my own conclusions, rather than sit there and nod, sheep like. And have someone else dctate the directions of my own intellectual meanderings and opinions.

    Might join the CFC though next year.

    (Carlton Football Club!)

    Footballs cannot morph ito Dictators overnight - or turn into Totalitarians. And they don't mind if we kick them around - as long as they go in the right direction, and, hopefully, win us the game.
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