its beautiful!!...FREEDOM MARCH!, page-1062

  1. 48 Posts.
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    Problem is that Australia has not seen the impact of delta variant because we have stayed well protected due to our geography and border control. It's silly to claim that the low death rate doesn't qualify for lockdown because it is evident that we have stayed well protected and Covid hasn't spread like wildfire in our community. If you want to compare stats, just look at the US, UK or recently Indonesia where 1000 people are dying from COVID everyday.

    To all the covid deniers and anti vaxxers albeit useless, please read the news from across the world. It's pointless for me to state on HC but I'll do my bit here, I lost 12 people I have know for all my life aged between 31 and 65 during the delta strain outbreak in India. My first cousin died trying to gasp for air at his home in front of his two young daughters aged 4 and 6 whilst his wife lay beside him battling high fever due to covid. No one could help them. Most of my family and friends contracted covid and fortunately they had all being vaccinated previously and the infections didn't lead to serious issues. My cousin and his wife weren't and neither were the others.

    The healthcare system in New Delhi collapsed due to millions requiring admission. My uncles who are doctors couldn't help their own family members as oxygen supply was wiped out of the market due to severe demand. I lived through seeing that devastation everyday with distress and during those times I thanked the govt of Australia and our healthcare system for keeping us safe.

    People in India have lived through the devastation of this virus. Most of them were complacent at the beginning but their eyes are open now. Millions are now are now trying to get the vaccines after witnessing the devastation it caused. The cheif medical officer confirmed last week that the real number of deaths in India surpassed over a million and couldn't be reported because people died on the streets and at homes. My cousins body was in a waiting line for 8 hours at the crematorium which were working 24 hours a day. I was FaceTime for those 8 hours watching my young 40 year old healthy cousin slowly being led to the burning chamber.

    Another example is of my 38 year old friend who was unvaccinated and contracted delta variant of Covid. Thankfully he survived as he was able to get bed in ICU, unfortunately the infection has left 80% of his lungs permanently damaged. Its a long road to recovery for him given he can't walk ten steps before need to catch his breath.

    For anyone disapproving COVID and the vaccinations, none of you are doctors or epidemiologists and are neither qualified enough to make a judgement by reading pseudo scientific barnyard researches done by unverified people or by following the anti vax pages. Being a skeptic is good as leads you to the right path, but being a skeptic on matters you're not educated on is stupidity. When you fall sick you got to your GP, why do you turn to Facebook and google for education on vaccines when normally you'd ask your GP for any such advice?

    My whole family including my self are vaccinated. My extended family and their friends and family overseas in Delhi now have all had the AZ Jab. They are all fine and none have had any complications. Whilst the 6 deaths from vaccinations is unfortunate, it's 6 off millions administered. The chances of your dying from vaccinations is lower than you getting struck my lightening.

    Stop spreading lies around the vaccine and help everyone and the govt to get us off these lockdowns. Simple put, if you don't support vaccination, you support lockdown.
    Last edited by sghosh9811: 26/07/21
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