Funny how often people refer to Twitter as a sewer. This place...

  1. 5,229 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 13
    Funny how often people refer to Twitter as a sewer. This place absolutely takes the cake as the most toxic and vile site in Australia. It is overrun with the most despicable individuals spewing their hate filled sh1t and invariably they all come from the one side of politics. This mess we are in is solely the fault of the most inept federal government this country has seen. Scott "it's not a race" Morrison is totally lost on how to lead this nation and he must take responsibility for this mess, but as we all know, he is a peanut and will always run from responsibility. The same people on here who are gloating about this idiotic protest are the ones who have long championed this useless government and they will be stupid enough to vote them in again at the next election. It's a never ending cycle of stupid.

    This site really is the pits.
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