its beautiful!!...FREEDOM MARCH!, page-429

  1. 41,347 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1007
    Traditionally yes but not with the current crop.

    Pfizer, AZT & Johnson introduce RNA using nano particles reputed to be about 42T particles per jab into your body. 99.9% of the jab consist of graphene oxide as identified by Spanish Scientist of the Pfizer jab. Graphene oxide is toxic but it is hear say for me since I have not formal knowledge in this area. When the RNA enters the body, it produces the spike proteins which the body immune system recognise as foreign and triggers the production of antigens. The issue I hear from doctors willing to speak out is that these spike proteins enters blood delivery system through all the small capillaries and the spike protein can deposit on the capillary walls where bolld clot forms.

    So these experimental vaccines DO NOT use a weaken virus. If you don't want to eat GMO foods then why would you want a GMO manufactured drug to take the place of the weaken virus? On top global Govts legislate to force everyone to take it. If one is smart, start buying Pfizer, Moderna and Jonson stock. Almost guaranteed a massive revenue boost year in year out. And the best thing for the exposed investor is to keeping cheering for new variants that are more infections, and if they are more deadly, that would be the BEST news a company could every hope for! This is how the industry operates.
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