its beautiful!!...FREEDOM MARCH!, page-436

  1. 212 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 109
    Is it 10 more times dangerous, covid deaths in Australia dont seem to support that number, Flu accounts for a similar number and deaths from Astravenic vacinne, reading PCR testing now been pulled as not accurate, I have been isolating, wearing a mask as directed, but starting to wonder like many Australians is the lock down achieing anything but bankrupting the state and possibly many people, we have seen clearly today with protests how peoples mental health has been effected, great PR exercise to fine everyone, think government needs to re evaluate and come up with some hard evidence that locking down the country is best option, I am no expert just watching from sidelines, but something just not adding up with the numbers? Tough job been premier atm, time for cool heads to prevail and maybe some of protesters issues be debated live on air and proven wrong or right on good data, and if PCR testing flawed, appears government at the present needs to better explain the path forward,? Everyone has a right to be respectfully listened too and we should all be able to make informed decisions for ourselves and families. Proud to be Aussie, lets get our shit together Australia, fining people does seem extreme when so many have list their livehoods?
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