GOLD 0.51% $1,391.7 gold futures

the billionaires are dumping stocks and shares...

  1. 2,182 Posts.
    the billionaires are dumping stocks and shares too,

    guess thats why they are billionaires and we are not....
    with the likes of Soros , his reputation is part of his schtick!!....they get enough clout to buy in and create waves in a market, be it FOREX, METALS or SHARES,
    they then ride them, to sell off near the tops and wait for the air to expire out of the bubble they blew as people that followed them in like sheep, follow them out again to the exits at much lower prices.

    So it seems logic to me, that in the next couple of weeks we will see the sell off occur in the stock markets that are now getting over excited on the back of................. a whole lot of hot air... when the real story is
    Shrinking growth all across the EU.
    japan in a worsening recession,
    ( think they won't print again, I bet they will)
    US consumer spending is down, wallmart saying return to figurs like early 2008
    Property prices in the UK in decline still, rents now falling.
    Peugeot citroen, europes second largest car maker with a massive 6.7 billion loss, and a bankrupt French government desperately wantingt o bail them out , but unable to do so.

    not to mention the currency manipulation, that is now suddenly flavour of the mainstream media month.......
    talk of this was muted by those that understood the outcomes of printing back in 2011.
    some GOLD BEARS like to dispute this by saying but the markets rallying... well yes it was just before the great depression and just befoire the GFC... thats how the winners make their money.

    These are all facts, the rise in the S&P500 is nothing more than expectation, leading to hope, leading to a big decline and maybe then, reality will then set in and the so called growth will be seen for what it is.

    The sell off in 2008 should have been allowed to continue and run its course, but it was stemmed when the realisation by the governments of how much effect the Lehmann Bros collpase had and the possible huge consequesnces if anything else bigger than them failed that has caused these 5 wasted years. so imagine what havoc would a meltdown in the system cause now.
    compared to now, 2008 looks simple, as
    now balance sheets are in a worse state, unemployement globally is higher, growth lower and falling
    dry shipping data form around the world is falling...... and on it goes!!
    soon though, one little bit of news that somehow has not been micro managed by the ones holding the duct-tape will slip out and a panic will set in.
    could be the change int the seasons coming, but i feel in my bones that somehting is defintely brewing, the sideways moves are now too long in the tooth to go on any more...
    pressure is building and most of the major players are positioned to benefit now fomrthe upswing in GOLD

    My personal opinion....... and possible scenario would be after sequestration, the realisation of the effects casues the US economy to go back,on the back of that, their credit rating is hit again, the fed have to inject more money, japan follows suit.... as will china and then the other europeans will get their way after telling germany to shut up and the ECB will join into the fray.
    unlike before, the flight to bonds is not the available option this time as yeilds rise to unsustainable levels and the only tried a true alternative is precious metals and commodities as hard assets will be all thats left woth holding any value in real terms.
    they can shake the tree as much as they like, but this is not the end of gold that many have talked about, the reasons for it to happen are based on nothing much at all.
    and no amount of quoting graphs and indeces will convince me otherwise.

    one question that seems ludicrous in its absence is :
    If Japan s getting criticised for preinting money, why is their deathly silence about the ONGOING 85 billion a MONTH the americans are printing!!!

    if that not devaluing then i dont know what is, so it follows the other latin american countries will be following what mexico does very very closely

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