it's islam vs all of us! dont be fooled, page-27

  1. 29,310 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 80
    re: watso: it's islam vs all of us! dont be foole " from my reading on the internet, saddam, is no fan of fundamentalist muslimism (?), indeed, my understanding may even suggest that he is very secular. as such, he would not be a supporter of osama bin laden."

    Quite so, Watso. This is further proven by the latest "call to arms" by OBL or whoever, in which all Muslims are called on to regard an attack on Iraq as an attack on Islam, and declares that it is OK to fight alongside their "INFIDEL" brothers.
    The majority of Muslims do not recognise the version of Islam peculiar to Iraq, and in fact regards them as no better than Christians or Jews.
    Thus there has NEVER been any ties between OBL and Iraq, despite the continuing efforts of "script writers" to produce evidence of the same.
    Even Blind Freddy's seeing eye dog knows that.
    However, that is going to now change, and there WILL be future unity of Islamics against us.
    Ok, the die is cast and what has been done has been done.We (Australia) have made our bed and must lie in it, regardless of the rights or wrongs of our leaders.
    Treasonable acts such as the unions refusing to support our troops or causing industrial mayhem on the home front should be punished.
    Fifth columnists should be dealt with severely for acts of treason, and we should all unite in the interests of protecting Australia for our children and children's children.Enough of being at each other's throats because of our differences of opinion.
    Yet as the horror of what is to be unfolds, (and it will), reflect on why we are in that situation , and for what agenda and whose agenda are we going to zap Iraq.
    With the continuing changes of direction in the so-called "War on Terror", it is now obvious that it is a furphy.The current threat of North Korea is a furphy.
    The next target after Iraq will be Iran, and the real agenda will be, as it always has been in this matter, about oil and the security of the State of Israel.

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