it's not cholesterol, it's inflammation

  1. 47,086 Posts.
    This topic has been raised before but is important enough to be aired again. It's from a "sponsor's link" you don't want to know about but it's still thought provoking:

    New Research Reveals Cholesterol Protects Your Heart And Arteries
    If you think that cholesterol is bad for you and should be avoided, think again...

    New research reveals that cholesterol actually protects your arteries from damage and tears.

    The real danger is too much inflammation.

    Dr. Beverly Teter is a lipid biochemist at the University of Maryland. She has spent several years researching fats and examining the effects they have on the body. She has found that a lesion develops when inflammation starts inside of the blood vessel. Cholesterol acts a shield and protects the vessel wall from damage. Remarkably, it also protects the blood system.

    This new finding conflicts with what is taught in the traditional medical world. Doctors have been telling people for years that cholesterol and saturated fat are silent killers.

    Cholesterol And Saturated Fat Are Necessary For Brain Health

    I believe this. The vegetable fats break down under heat and form oxides which are damaging free radicles which cause damage. I now grease my pan with animal fat. Virgin olive oil only elsewhere and tests show the two majors' "home brand" products to be good quality.
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