it's not the arabs, stupid!

  1. 2,785 Posts.

    Posted Sep 9, 2004 02:06 PM PST
    Something good has come out of the FBI's screening of Arabs with a fine-tooth comb after all: The FBI now knows who the real enemies are and they are focusing on them. Dozens of Israel-bound terrorism experts like Steve Emerson and Daniel Pipes have lied and lied about how well-organized and dangerous Arabs are. They claimed there was a terror cell in every mosque. Now we find out that it is not the Arabs who are conspiring against America. The terror cells are not in mosques. They are not in Muslim charities. They are not inside Arab political activist organizations. No. The real danger to America is found inside an Israel-bound tax-exempt organization called AIPAC.

    And AIPAC is 'embedded' with the White House and the Pentagon.
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