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its official only saliva tests 4 mexico

  1. 148 Posts.
    Its official, the Mexican Govt has approved saliva drug testing (not urine) as the method to be used by the various states for the mandatory student drug testing program. The announcement that Sun Biomedical will be providing the saliva screening device must be very close.

    Below is an article from the Milenio.com website published on the 5th Oct. The article states that the Secretary of Education of the 3rd largest city in Mexico, Monterrey with the approval of the Associations of Family and Parents began the first stage of student drug testing. The Secretary of Education has accounted for 22000 saliva tests to be conducted in their state alone.

    This is the link


    The following link

    is an article from the 13th Sept which I have included so you can see the progression towards having saliva as the testing medium.

    The 5th Oct article is in its original Spanish then immediately the translation in English.

    I have then included the 13th Sept article in the same manner.

    I have also enlisted an associate of mine who speaks fluent Spanish to find the clearest articles on student drug testing in Mexico on the Mexican websites as I have found many but my translation skills are limited to the translation program I use.


    Arrancan primera fase del antidoping

    Es un hecho: con la aprobación de las asociaciones de padres de familia, la Secretaría de Educación arrancó ayer la primer fase del programa anti doping que pretende aplicar, durante octubre y noviembre, en 50 secundarias conflictivas del estado.
    La prueba se hará a 22 mil. Foto: Alejandro Silva Martínez


    Tras una reunión con representantes de los padres de familia y directivos de secundarias, los secretarios de Educación y Salud, Reyes Tamez y Gilberto Montiel, anunciaron la realización del examen psicométrico con el que se obtendrá la muestra para la aplicación del anti doping, que se hará a través de pruebas de saliva.

    “Lo más importante es que ésta no es ni pretende ser una prueba punitiva es una detección oportuna de adicciones”, dijo Montiel.

    Por su parte, el secretario de Educación informó que la prueba se hará a 22 mil 371 alumnos e incluye siete etapas: selección de escuela; junta de información con los padres de familia y distribución de material informativo en el que se abordan los síntomas de las adicciones; la aplicación de la prueba; la evaluación y entrega de resultados; la selección de grupos de riesgo; la determinación del tipo de apoyo para cada plantel y el seguimiento.

    Durante el encuentro realizado en las instalaciones de la dependencia, los padres de familia manifestaron sus inquietudes y pidieron más apoyo para prevenir las adicciones entre los estudiantes y menores de edad.


    They take first stage of antidoping

    It is a fact: with the approval of the associations of family parents, the Secretariat of Education took yesterday first stage of the program anti doping that it tries to apply, during October and November, in 50 secondary conflicting ones of the state.
    The test will become to 22 thousands. Photo: Alexander Silva Martinez


    After a meeting with representatives of the parents of family and directors of secondary, the secretaries of Education and Health, Reyes Tamez and Gilberto Montiel, announced the accomplishment of the psicométrico examination with which the sample for the application will be obtained of anti doping, that will become through saliva tests.

    “Most important he is than this one is not nor tries to be a punitive test is an opportune detection of addictions”, said Montiel.

    On the other hand, the secretary of Education informed that the test will become 22 thousand 371 students and includes seven stages: selection of school; meeting of information with the family parents and distribution of informative material in which the symptoms of the addictions are approached; the application of the test; the evaluation and delivery of results; the selection of risk groups; the determination of the type of support for each establishment and the pursuit.

    During the encounter made in the facilities of the dependency, the family parents showed their restlessness and requested more support to prevent the addictions between the minor students and.


    Aplicarán el antidoping a 21 mil alumnos

    De 210 mil estudiantes de los tres niveles de secundaria, la dependencia estatal prevé seleccionar al diez por ciento para que las pruebas sean aplicadas una vez que así lo aprueben los padres de familia de cada plantel.

    Monterrey.- Aunque todavía no se adquieren las pruebas para detectar el consumo de drogas entre los jóvenes, la Secretaría de Educación prevé aplicar el examen antidoping a 21 mil alumnos de secundaria en Nuevo León.

    De 210 mil estudiantes de los tres niveles de secundaria, la dependencia estatal prevé seleccionar al diez por ciento para que las pruebas sean aplicadas una vez que así lo aprueben los padres de familia de cada plantel.

    “Estamos ultimando detalles del proyecto para la implementación”, explicó el titular de la dependencia, Reyes Tamez Guerra. “A partir de ahora, tenemos que tomar acuerdos específicos en las escuelas y ya con eso seguir avanzando”.

    Hasta ahora, la secretaría cuenta con un presupuesto de 11 millones de pesos para aplicar la prueba, que forma parte del proyecto Escuela Segura del programa federal Limpiemos México.

    Las pruebas se realizarían a través de la saliva y no de la orina para evitar molestias sobre todo entre las alumnas, pero esto aún está en análisis.

    El titular de Educación informó que a partir del próximo lunes, se reunirá con personal de la Secretaría de Salud y de los Centros de Integración Juvenil para planear la aplicación de las pruebas, que se harán mediante la insaculación de cuatro alumnos por cada grupo.

    Sin embargo, explicó, primero se dialogará con los padres de familia de cada escuela.

    “Vamos a platicar con los padres de familia y vamos a escuchar los puntos de vista de los padres de familia y ver cómo podemos avanzar en un tema que es de preocupación de todos”, dijo.

    “Trataremos no solamente detener, sino revertir estos índices de consumo de drogas”, agregó

    De hecho, dentro de esta estrategia, se prevé la difusión de material en video y trípticos con información contra las adicciones; y si entre los jóvenes esto no es suficiente, la secretaría también quiere hacer una campaña contra el consumo de alcohol y cigarros hasta entre los alumnos de preescolar.

    “Tienen que ir adquiriendo una conciencia, aunque no estén en un riesgo latente”, comentó. “Que vayan viendo desde la parte temprana que es muy importante”.

    Adriana Esthela Flore


    They will apply antidoping to 21 thousand students

    Of 210 thousand students of the three levels of secondary, the state dependency it anticipates to select to the ten percent so that the tests are applied once therefore they approve the parents of family of each establishment.

    Monterrey. - Although still the tests are not acquired to detect the drug consumption between the young people, the Secretariat of Education anticipates to apply to the examination antidoping to 21 thousand students of secondary in Nuevo Leo'n.

    Of 210 thousand students of the three levels of secondary, the state dependency it anticipates to select to the ten percent so that the tests are applied once therefore they approve the parents of family of each establishment.

    “We are completing details of the project for the implementation”, explained the holder of the dependency, Reyes Tamez War. “From now on, we must take specific agreements in the schools and already with that to continue advancing”.

    Until now, the secretariat counts on a budget of 11 million weights to apply the test, that it comprises of the project Safe School of the federal program We clean Mexico.

    The tests would be made through the saliva and of it does not tinkle it to avoid annoyances between the students mainly, but this still is in analysis.

    The holder of Education informed that as of the next Monday, he will meet with personnel of the Secretariat of Health and the Centers of Youthful Integration to plan the application of the tests, that they will become by means of the insaculación of four students by each group.

    Nevertheless, he explained, first will engage in a dialog itself with the parents of family of each school.

    “We are going to platicar with the family parents and are going to listen to the points of view of the family parents and to see how we can advance in a subject that is of preoccupation of all”, said.

    “We will not only treat to stop, but to revert these indices of drug consumption”, added

    In fact, within this strategy, one anticipates the diffusion of material in video and trípticos with information against the addictions; and if between the young people this is not sufficient, the secretariat also wants to make a campaign against the consumption of alcohol and cigarettes until between the prestudent students.

    “They must be acquiring a conscience, although they are not in a latent risk”, commented. “That is seeing from the early part that it is very important”.

    Adriana Esthela Flore

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