John Howard has proven his unfitness to govern.His latest...

  1. 470 Posts.
    John Howard has proven his unfitness to govern.

    His latest statement regarding pre-emptive strikes on our Asian neighbours must surely be the most ill advised action in a career abounding in shoddy, amoral decisions.

    We shoud be engaging our neighbours and forming intelligence alliances not alienating them if we are really serious in our goals of keeping a handle on terrorist activity. Howard has merely given the loony fringes of islamic cells a point of focus which can only serve to harm us more.

    Howard's agenda is becoming clearer. He is increasingly aligning us with the US. It seems certain in my mind that the US will attack Iraq in the New Year no matter what the outcome of UN inspections. We are being softened up by our own government because it is Howard's intention that Australia will be side by side with the US when that invasion takes place. By appealing to Australians' nationalistic and jingositic instincts and by generating an atmosphere of fear, Howard is hoping to turn the tide of public opinion to support the Iraqui conflict.

    Don't be fooled!!
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