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    ....if we do not think that margin compression is underway we must be in la-la land.

    ....if it has not happened, does not mean it won't.

    ...Almeida sums it up very simply. Markets want to be thinking in convoluted ways to project what Fed statements can mean for future of equities.

    There are two types of stocks. Stocks that make money, ie. cashflows and profits and Stocks that have got a great (or not) concept or project(s) in development with no revenues and cashflows.

    As for this first group of stocks, they can be severely marked down for failing to produce revenue growth and profit per guidance or as expected. For the second group, projects coming to fruition depend on those project assumptions that remain valid or gets invalidated by new economic circumstances, market appetite for risks (to raise more capital) including appetite of market participants to push stocks higher with increasing uncertainties that may well adversely impact project viability. E,g by the time they start producing whatever they were going to produce, would the price and demand be at levels which supported their project feasibility in the first place. The risk premium for those second group of stocks goes up significantly as rates go higher. When interest rates were low and market exuberance high, investors are willing support projects that even were borderline because opportunity costs and capital loss prospects were simply negligible , but the tables have been turned. You would expect some of these projects to raise more capital at substantially discounted prices that will continue to drive stock prices lower. Suddenly, survival and cashflow preservation becomes top of mind. We may not reach there yet, but you can bet we are well on the way. Hence, expect many microcaps and small caps to be doing CR in due time as the window is closing.

    The one thing that matters for investors in a world of crises

    As the rising inflation, energy crises and labour shortages rage, US fund manager Rob Almeida is looking to something decidedly old school.
    Jun 3, 2022 – 12.06pm

    It’s not every day that a fund manager quotes Lenin. Rob Almeida, chief strategist at $US600 billion ($825 billion) giant MFS Investment Management, might be a self-confessed permabear, but even he admits food security is starting to keep him up at night.

    “As Lenin said, every society is three square meals away from chaos,” he tells Chanticleer during his trip to Australia this week. “That’s pretty scary.”

    Of course, food is only one example of the crises the world and Australia are facing right now.

    In a world awash with data and noise, Rob Almeida is looking to profit margins.  David Rowe
    The Australian Financial Review Banking Summit on Tuesday was dominated by discussions of labour shortages, with warnings that firms could face a “profitless boom” if a lack of workers prevents businesses from fulfilling demand in an economy still running hot.

    More dramatically, this week has seen the country engulfed in a full-blown energy crisis, as gas and electricity prices surge amid global shortages of coal, oil and gas and Australia’s embarrassing failure to plan for an orderly energy transition that balances energy security with emissions reduction.

    The full impacts of these shortages will likely play out for some time, probably years. But this week has rammed home the lesson that scarcity means higher costs, more inflation and higher interest rates.

    The trends that have defined global markets since the GFC - low inflation, ultra-low interest rates, globalisation - are set to totally reverse, in a way markets still have not come to grips with, Almeida argues.

    “The market does a great job of discounting what’s right in front of us - the next two quarters or three quarters. I think this is a multi-year dynamic, or a paradigm change.”

    But as Almeida is fond of saying, he’s not an economist or a politician, but a humble stock picker. His focus is on a more simple question: in a new world of crises, what should investors focus on?

    Fortunately, his answer is equally simple: profit margins.

    Almeida says that in a market awash with data points and commentary on every minute movement in macroeconomic conditions, it is foolish to waste time and energy “counting how many times [Federal Reserve chairman] Jay Powell blinks”.

    “Let’s just go back to what matters. You’re funding a business. What does the profit and loss statement look like, and what is it going to look like? And how much are you paying for that?”

    Almeida condenses the regime change on markets in this way.

    Profits are a function of revenue and costs. On the revenue side, it’s clear that economic growth is slowing, which will weigh on revenue. Obviously, soaring inflation says costs are rising too. Profits are set to fall, which means company valuations and share prices need to come down.

    That’s the simple version, but it doesn’t tell the whole story. While the direction of margins is important, what Almeida is really focused on is the magnitude of the fall we could be about to see. And this comes back to what central banks and governments have done since the GFC.
    A very different world

    It might be hard to remember now, but profit margins around the world were actually at record highs just prior to the outbreak of COVID-19 in 2020. They dipped briefly as the pandemic hit and the world went into lockdown, but as waves of fiscal and monetary stimulus were unleashed around the global, margins surged again, eclipsing those pre-GFC highs on the way to fresh records.

    It’s important to think why margins were so high both before the pandemic and during it.

    Prior to the pandemic, economic growth around the world was tepid at best, so strong margins were a cost story. Companies were outsourcing labour, using just-in-time supply chain management to reduce working capital and taking advantage of cheap capital to reduce borrowing costs and, in Almeida’s words, “financialise” other parts of their businesses, such as payables and receivables - the factoring products offered by collapsed lender Greensill are a good example of this.

    Margins have soared in the last decade Les Hewitt
    When the pandemic hit, margins got a double boost - revenue grew as locked-down households splurged on goods, and companies “cut every cost that wasn’t nailed down” including travel and marketing.

    Almeida argues a very different world has now arrived.

    Economic growth is slowing, so revenue will come down. But the more important factor is what is happening to costs.

    Business costs are back

    Firstly, those legacy costs that got cut during the pandemic are coming back - as a simple example, Almedia points to the fact that he’s back in Australia talking to clients, and not doing it on Zoom.

    But on top of this, a new set of costs is now emerging.

    Companies are finding it much harder to depress wage bills by outsourcing labour, and industrial action is rising around the world as rising inequality leads workers to demand a greater share of profits.

    Rising environmental standards and expectations are forcing companies to spend more on their businesses. Regulation is increasing as ESG matters become more of a focus. Whether that’s modern slavery rules to recycling, Almedia says compliance costs - and non-compliance is no longer an option.

    Australia’s energy cost crisis could be put in the same basket.

    Before COVID-19, the challenge of energy security was mainly theoretical, but it’s now clear that this will impose costs at levels unheard of just a few years ago.

    And then there’s the rising cost of capital. Almeida says with inflation around the world running at between 6 per cent and 9 per cent, central banks have no choice but to continue to raise rates to the point where they destroy demand.
    The central bank doesn’t care about stock prices. They care about inflation. They’ve got to create pain.
    He says the market’s obsession with the idea of a Fed put - the level at which the Fed will ease monetary conditions to support stock prices is misguided, because society simply cannot live with inflation at these levels for sustained periods.

    “The central bank doesn’t care about stock prices. They care about inflation. They’ve got to create pain.”

    Does that mean a recession? Almedia doesn’t know, and says his best guess is a 50 per cent chance of a US recession.

    But again, he comes back to profit margins. What higher rates will do is make the techniques of financialisation - borrowing to fund shareholder returns, factoring payables and receivables, operating without making a profit - a headwind rather than a tailwind.

    Almeida’s conclusion is relatively simple: too many businesses have been over-earning for too long, and profit margins need to come down by somewhere between 40 per cent and 55 per cent.

    The last time profit margins came down 50 per cent, was in the GFC - when stocks also came down 50 per cent.

    Clearly, Almeida’s view is that the current sharemarket correction is far from done, and investors need to brace for more pain and certainly more volatility.

    But on the flip side, these conditions do give stock pickers the chance to prove their mettle. The risks to margins are not complicated or hidden. The companies that run sustainable businesses, that pay their people properly and that have not been over-earning for a decade, should stand out in a time of scarcity - of energy, of labour and of returns.

    “The market is going to be able to price risk,” Almeida says. “Enterprises that should never have gotten capital will go away. That’s going to create an opportunity for that better or higher quality company that lives through this to take increasing market share on the other side.”
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