Its Over, page-19466

  1. 18,212 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 169
    The United States with their emphasis on individualism, capitalism and worshipping the 'self-made man' will have huge problems adapting to a Universal Wage, which is what will have to happen, if AI is going to replace so many jobs. Their insistence on gun ownership will cause social upheaval of the worst kind . . . Europe, with its longer history of National Health Insurances, Welfare etc - and also experiments with 'Socialism' will have an easier time of it.
    To me 'Elon Musk' is slowly growing into a sinister figure - I was rather glad when his latest attempt at launching SpaceX failed - don't know why I feel this way, but he does not seem to have a social conscience, so unlike Bill and Melinda Gates.
    Friedrich Engels btw. was the son of a capitalist father, who owned factories, one of which was in England, Manchester, and Friedrich was sent over there to look after it and he turned out to be a 'good boss' even had a long relationship with one of the girls who worked there (so the story-line goes, but it is more likely she was a domestic servant) - Karl Marx was writing his 'The Communist Manifesto' at the same time, in London, and Friedrich Engels supported him financially - Engels also wrote some interesting books, of which I read one in my teenage years which left a deep impression on me - it's called "The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State"
    Engels was eventually disinherited by his father who - naturally, being a 'capitalist' - didn't think much of his son's activities.
    All this was happening from about the 1847s on . . .
    Your prediction of a X-Mas rally seems to be happening smile.png

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