Its Over, page-21772

  1. 11,470 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 726
    @1ronnie I believe you are not following the story as I am, so you probably do not know about the avalanche of medical studies getting behind the MSB train. These are not funded by MSB but just doctors trying to save people.

    LOTS of approvals are coming behind the first one. They have been merely slowed by potency requirements for some years but have ticked that box now officially. The medical community knows it saves lives and there are peer reviewed papers on this. We merely have the normal regulatory time period to process the latest data which will be either 2 months or 6 months when submitted this month or next to go. If you like we have around a 85% probability of approval now. ALL prior excuses to slow down have been addressed. They either have to approve now or create a new excuse.

    Other researchers have shown benefits in babies with heart defects that have insufficient heart ventricle tissue to allow surgery to fix them. These babies die. They have used MSB tech to enlarge the ventricle tissue that then allows the lifesaving surgery. The FDA has now speeded up the approval process as there is nothing else that can help at all. This is just one thing. There are many such things. They also awarded MSB a voucher for~100 million if they reach a certain stage of development for this.

    Things change and the medical world will be radically different soon due to MSB. No adverse side effects at all for life saving tech being one of them.

    I expect takeover attempts which may already be in progress with one doctor approaching the 19.99% threshold. Friend or foe we find out soon. People assume friend but may be wrong.

    The moat - is huge and it is the potency assay primarily. No other party can legally sell the treatments without a validated potency test. They have to come to MSB cap in hand if they want to use theirs or face legal action from both the FDA and MSB. The slowdown of a few years and a few hundred million costs to MSB on the potency assay may end up being it's best earner down the line

    Enough from me on this.

    Last edited by nippy: 12/05/24
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