Kim: Buying Nvidia, Microsoft, Apple, or ANY major tech stock...

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    Buying Nvidia, Microsoft, Apple, or ANY major tech stock could be a DEVESTATING financial mistake for 2024.
    Today, the man hailed as “America’s Top Trader” whose accurately predicted every major crash of the last 30 years — is making his NEXT dire warning.

    He calls it: The 2024 TECH RESET.

    And while the mainstream news fixates on inflation, global conflicts, and the election — they’re missing a new financial event set to erase years of investor’s gains, in the blink of an eye.
    A rare event that will splinter the entire stock market in HALF…
    Sending America’s most popular stocks like Nvidia, Apple, Meta, Tesla, and thousands more... plummeting back to Earth…
    All while one single corner of the stock market, soars to unprecedented highs.
    And 31 billionaires (including Warren Buffett, Jeff Bezos, and Elon Musk) are frantically preparing as we speak. The question is — will you be ready?
    Let’s get into the interview for all the details…
    Will You Get OUT Before the Real Panic Begins?Kim:

    Eric, great to have you here. I know you have a massive warning to make today, so please, walk us through the details.
    Thanks for having me, Kim, it’s good to be here — because the timing is critical.
    There's an undeniable tension gripping the markets right now, and if your gut is telling you that something monumental is lurking just over the horizon, trust me — your instincts are dead on.
    Here's the harsh reality we're facing...
    A tidal wave of selling is about to engulf the tech titans of Wall Street — Nvidia, Apple, Microsoft, Google, Meta, and moresending these stocks plummeting down from their record highs…
    Ultimately, dragging down thousands of other stocks in their wake, in what will be an unprecedented market panic.

    When the dust settles, trillions of dollars could be wiped out from everyday investors.
    Kim, there’s no wasting time — the world's “one-percenters” are already preparing.
    A staggering 31 billionaires are selling their stocks at a record pace — in what’s being dubbed as: “The Great Cash Out.”
    And while unsuspecting everyday people are once again being suckered into buying these overpriced tech giants at the very top, these billionaires have just sold $11 billion worth of stock in their own businesses — in just ONE single month!

    Even JPMorgan is sounding the alarm, warning that these stocks could…

    As we speak, Kim, the concentration of tech stocks has ballooned (not just) beyond the dot-com boom… but beyond The Great Depression of 1929!

    So, buckle up because the market is about to turn into a full-blown panic.
    Ok. Wow, there’s a lot to break down there.
    And I hear you loud and clear…
    But Eric, don’t you think investors are clinging to the hope that somehow...
    Somehow, some way, this time... will be different?
    Look, today I'm going to need you to lay out all the proof you’ve brought... given the sheer magnitude of your prediction...
    I'll lay out everything so people can draw their own conclusions.
    And if you're skeptical, Kim, I absolutely get it.
    But the last time I predicted a Tech Panic of this magnitude, 24 years ago…
    Investors were convinced that popular tech giants were a "sure thing" investment — yet these tech giants went on to crash over -50%!

    Yeah, fair point.
    And I think we all sense something is “off” in the market, right now.
    It’s just a matter of when.
    There's no doubt Eric, you have a unique credibility when dealing with these kinds of market situations, so I want to dive further into the details...
    So, where would you like to begin?
    Let’s start by looking back 24 years ago because history is quickly repeating itself…
    In the 1990’s, we witnessed one of the greatest bull markets of all time…
    The dot-com boom.
    But eventually, after all the excitement and market euphoria — the gains of the decade came burning down...
    The most popular stocks at the time — Microsoft, Intel, Cisco, and many more — plummeted by -63%, -80%, even -87%!

    Don’t forget, Kim — these were the most popular stocks of the time, held by nearly every major index fund and brokerage account in the world.
    Everyone from your family members... to your professional broker would have called you crazy for NOT owning these popular companies.
    Yet, these stocks all tanked...
    And in the end, this Tech Panic dragged the ENTIRE market down over -50%!

    Tragically, people were so caught up in the “tech hype” that they ignored all the blaring warning signs.
    But you didn’t, Eric.
    Incredibly, you were one of the few people who predicted the dot-com Crash.
    If I'm not mistaken, you warned your readers ahead of time, helping them avoid the crash.
    You even bet against dozens of individual stocks that fell by as much as -80%... -94%... even one that went bankrupt, dropping -100%.

    And on the opposite end…
    During the crash, you recommended a few stocks that soared as much as 6,000%... 6,600%... even 11,237%!
    **These are some of Fry’s best recommendations. Past performance is no guarantee for future results.
    This was all while millions of investors suffered historic losses.
    This is an accomplishment few financial experts can claim.
    But I want to get clarity on what’s happening now in 2024.
    Are you calling for another crash, similar to the magnitude of the dot-com crash?
    Kim, my research indicates we're on the brink of something much more severe…
    What I call: The 2024 Tech Panic — where trillions of dollars could ultimately FLEE from America's most popular stocks and, instead, panic INTO a new class of stocks.
    It will be like having two entirely different stock markets operating side by side.
    In fact, Kim, while massive Wall Street firms like JPMorgan are telling the public to invest in these overpriced ‘big tech’ stocks…
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