...I had to dig deep into BHP's Annual Report to find this...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2092
    ...I had to dig deep into BHP's Annual Report to find this passage on Contingent Liabilities.

    ...we are just one month away from the UK Class Action Suit; BHP indicated an unspecified amount but it had been reported that the class action suit amount to be potentially 36B Pounds (and BHP could be in for half of those claims if successful).

    Largest-ever group action given green light: BHP refused permission to appeal Mariana Dam claim - Stewarts (stewartslaw.com)

    ...this could the largest non reported and least publicised financial 'disaster' waiting to happen!

    BHP Contingent Liabilities

    Samarco dam failure provision and contingencies As at 30 June 2024, BHP Brasil has identified a provision and certain contingent liabilities arising as a consequence of the Samarco dam failure. The provision related to the Samarco dam failure recognised as at 30 June 2024 is US$6,505 million and reflects the Group’s best estimate of the potential outflows necessary to resolve all aspects of the Federal Public Prosecution Office BRL$155 billion claim and Framework Agreement obligation

    Item Provision Contingent liability
    United Kingdom group action complaint and Vale and Samarco’s Netherlands collective action complaint X ✔

    BHP Group (UK) Ltd (formerly BHP Group Plc) and BHP Group Limited (BHP Defendants) are named as defendants in group action claims for damages filed in the courts of England. These claims were filed on behalf of certain individuals, municipalities, businesses, faith-based institutions and communities in Brazil allegedly impacted by the Samarco dam failure. The amount of damages sought in these claims is unspecified. A trial in relation to the BHP Defendants’ liability for the dam failure is listed to commence in October 2024 and therefore a present obligation in relation to this matter is yet to be determined.

    In December 2022, the BHP Defendants filed their defence and a contribution claim against Vale. The contribution claim contended that if the BHP Defendants’ defence is not successful and the BHP Defendants are ordered to pay damages to the claimants, Vale should contribute to any amount payable. Vale contested the jurisdiction of the English courts to determine the contribution claim, with those challenges ultimately dismissed in December 2023. In January 2024, the BHP Defendants were served with a new group action filed in the courts of England on behalf of additional individuals and businesses in Brazil allegedly impacted by the Samarco dam failure. The new action makes broadly the same claims as the original action and the amount of damages sought in these claims is unspecified. In March 2024, a collective action complaint was filed in the Netherlands against Vale and a Dutch subsidiary of Samarco for compensation relating to the Fundão Dam failure. The claim filed in the Netherlands indicates that these claims were filed on behalf of certain individuals, municipalities, businesses, associations and faith-based institutions allegedly impacted by the Samarco dam failure who are not also claimants in the UK group action claims referred to above.

    BHP is not a defendant in the Netherlands proceedings. In July 2024, the BHP Defendants, BHP Brasil and Vale entered into an agreement – without any admission of liability in any proceedings – whereby: (i) Vale will pay 50% of any amounts that may be payable by the BHP Defendants to the claimants in the UK group action claims (or by the BHP Defendants, BHP Brasil or their related parties to claimants in any other proceedings in Brazil, England or the Netherlands covered by the agreement); and (ii) BHP Brasil will pay 50% of any amounts that may be payable by Vale to the claimants in the Netherlands proceedings (or by Vale or its related parties to claimants in any other proceedings in Brazil, England or the Netherlands covered by the agreement). The agreement reinforces the terms of the Framework Agreement entered into in 2016 which require BHP Brasil and Vale to each contribute 50% to the funding of the Renova Foundation for compensation of persons impacted by the Fundão Dam failure where Samarco is unable to contribute that funding. The BHP Defendants withdrew the contribution claim against Vale in England as it is no longer necessary given this agreement.

    Criminal charges X ✔ The Federal Prosecutors’ Office has filed criminal charges against BHP Brasil, Samarco and Vale and certain employees and former employees of BHP Brasil (Affected Individuals) in the Federal Court of Ponte Nova, Minas Gerais. BHP Brasil rejects outright the charges against the company and the Affected Individuals and is defending itself from all charges while fully supporting each of the Affected Individuals in their defence of the charges.
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