Gday 1 Ronnie just like your thoughts on the current energy...

  1. 5,033 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 259
    Gday 1 Ronnie just like your thoughts on the current energy crisis currently engulfing the in main eastern states of Australia.
    Regards to tonight's 7.30 report business power bills going up by over 50 % mostly small to medium size operations being brought to their knees by the total insane push towards renewable energy.
    Major gas shortage on the eastern seaboard due to most of it shipped overseas for a pittance meanwhile in W.A we have so much of the stuff with massive tankers filled every day to our overseas customers to power their countries so they can process the Lithium, iron ore ,copper, steel lio batteries and anything we buy. Nearly all concentrate near dirt we get it back after being dug up shipped processed re shipped at many multiples.
    How the hell is that green. Government stooges sucking D of the santos and woodsides of this world makes me want to puke.
    Who gets these D.H.s into office easy to see that's exactly why they are ripping the gas out of the country and paying nought for it and SFA tax.
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