Morrison now hinges his political fortune on the country getting...

  1. 23,742 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2107
    Morrison now hinges his political fortune on the country getting to 70-80% vaccination and you can bet he would do and agree with every policy(policies) that will get people to get vaccinated. And now states and federal are on the same page . Most likely stick and carrot approach - vaccine passports to persuade the unvaccinated to get moving and vaccine lottery or other incentives to reward those who take it up.

    More than ever now , Morrison is relying on no small portion of his base (that are still against vaccination) to get the job done to cross the threshold. This portion of his base is not happy with his decision, but note too that it is the states that decides lockdowns and the states will stick to the agreed 70-80% even if PM does a U-turn if that number is not reached by Xmas. Morrison can then blame the unvaccinated for our failings, as he says it is up to us to deliver. Perfect, he never ever has to take any responsibility for anything.

    For someone who is not into this freedom ideology, I would say Morrison is getting this one right. This is what I say not Politics before People.

    So hope Gladys comes to her senses (to do the hard lockdown and get on with it) so NSW can be like Victoria. You can see QLD has gone into a quick 3 day hard lockdown now.

    When would we ever get out of lockdown? UNIVERSAL MASKING at all times, even after vaccination until pandemic is over worldwide. It will come..maybe next year if the world can't still rid of this virus.
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