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    ...remember Concentration Risk -overexposed in one particular asset/fund lacking diversification.

    Dixon Advisory’s collapse delivers a painful lesson for investors
    Carrie LaFrenz and Jonathan Shapiro
    Jan 19, 2022 – 8.00pm

    The collapse of Dixon Advisory, one of the nation’s largest wealth managers, has exposed the heavy personal and financial cost of the 36-year-old firm’s highly conflicted business model that steered the retirement savings of thousands of middle-class Australians into its own poorly performing high-fee property fund.

    On Wednesday, the parent company of E&P Financial announced that voluntary administrators had been appointed to Dixon Advisory Superannuation Services (DASS), bringing an undignified end to the once-respected advisory firm formed by pensions expert Daryl Dixon to help Australians manage their pensions.

    Gina and David Bailey are former clients of Dixon Advisory. They say they lost more than $500,000 because of poor investment advice.  Oscar Colman
    The decision came after the directors of the subsidiary determined that current and future penalties, compensation claims and three legal actions launched in late 2021 were likely to leave the firm insolvent.

    All those claims relate to Dixon Advisory’s internal US Residential Masters Property Fund – or URF – which invested client funds in apartments in the New York area, charging hefty fees as it took on excessive debts to purchase more units and undertake renovations.

    That ultimately resulted in a destruction of unitholder value that hit clients who had large exposures to the fund in their self-managed super funds, which had been arranged by Dixon Advisory.

    Thousands of the firm’s clients who followed its allegedly conflicted advice were left with their retirement plans in tatters as a result of the losses that have occurred in an otherwise buoyant period for financial investments.
    “This has had a significant hit on my mental health,” Gina Bailey, a 62-year-old retiree from Sydney, told The Australian Financial Review. She and her husband David had been clients of Dixon Advisory since 2008.
    ‘We trusted them’

    “We were going to do so many things, and now can’t. We were going to do some renovations and we were to go move to an over-55-years seniors living building but can’t due to the cost,” she said. They left the firm in 2020.

    “We have been treated appallingly by Dixons. We trusted them.”

    The Dixon Advisory business model embodied the conflicts of interest in wealth management firms exposed during the Hayne royal commission.

    Yet, the firm escaped the scrutiny of the commission and the corporate regulator until late 2020, when the Australian Securities and Investments Commission sued DASS in the Federal Court for failing to act in the best interests of clients.

    Later, a modest $7.2 million settlement was reached in July 2021. E&P Financial said it would contribute funds to ensure the settlement was honoured.

    As part of the ASIC settlement, Dixon Advisory admitted to not acting in the best interests of clients in providing financial advice.
    The once-proud wealth management firm was founded in 1986 in Canberra by the nation’s pre-eminent pensions expert, Daryl Dixon, and his wife Kate. In 2001, their son Alan Dixon assumed the managing director’s role.

    Dixon Advisory grew into the fourth-largest superannuation advice firm in Australia and in late 2016 it merged with Evans & Partners, the brokerage firm founded in 2007 by David Evans.

    The merger proceeded despite concerns raised in a report to directors of Evans & Partners by KPMG that highlighted the risks of Dixon Advisory’s vertically integrated model and its high reliance on fees generated by the URF.

    In fact, Dixon Advisory’s foray into manufacturing its own investment products that charged high fees and performed poorly for investors proved its undoing.

    The URF has been at the heart of Dixon Advisory’s troubles. The fund was set up in 2011 to take advantage of distressed US apartment prices in the aftermath of the global financial crisis and US housing slump, and a high Australian dollar inflated by the China resources boom.
    Myriad fees

    But the URF – which eventually amassed a portfolio worth $1 billion – charged myriad fees related to managing, buying, selling and renovating its apartments while it raised debt and equity from Dixon Advisory clients to grow, resulting in further fees.
    In its claim, ASIC tallied up $135.9 million of fees paid by the fund to Dixon Advisory and other related parties from September 2015 to June 30, 2018.

    The high fees, growing debt burden and over-investment weighed on the fund as the unit price slid from $2 to 32¢ over five years.

    The advice provided to clients to invest up to 20 per cent of their portfolio in the URF and its related securities is the source of many of the client claims and the ASIC penalty.

    More recently that advice was the subject of three class or other legal actions brought in October by Maurice Blackburn, in November by Piper Alderman and in late December by Shine Lawyers.

    Those proceedings ultimately tipped the hand of the directors of Dixon Advisory. Parent company E&P Financial Group said PwC partners Stephen Longley and Craig Crosbie had been appointed as voluntary administrators to Dixon Advisory Superannuation Services, after the directors determined that “mounting actual and potential liabilities mean it is likely to become insolvent at some future time”.

    The appointment of the voluntary administrators only relates to DASS, and does not affect any other E&P Financial entities or internal funds. Claimants against DASS have no recourse to other entities within E&P Financial.

    Late on Wednesday Shine wrote to participants, outlining that as DASS was now in voluntary administration, the class action could not progress until the administrator or Federal Court consented.

    However, Shine added that the class action brought against the three additional respondents E&P Financial Limited, former CEO Alan Dixon and former executive Christopher Brown remained unaffected by this announcement, and would continue.

    The financial cost of Dixon Advisory’s advice to clients is hard to quantify.

    But one couple, Clare Nairn and Mark O’Toole, claimed in a court filing to be $900,000 worse off based on the difference in value of a balanced superannuation portfolio and their Dixon Advisory-recommended investments over the same period.

    Ms Bailey is now retired but her experience as a Dixon Advisory client remains raw.

    “We’ve been treated appallingly by Dixons. They have rejected every single thing that we put to them,” she said.

    She said she and her husband were “uber-conservative” and Dixon was “touting their products” consistently, but not considering their risk profile.

    “We were being very naïve. We believed they were giving us the right advice, but that was not the case. I believe that the advisers were being forced by the Investment Committee,” she added.
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