Its Over, page-9770

  1. 21,749 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2022
    ...the cure is worse than the disease is simply looking at the lens of what we have today, not what it would get to. Trump supporters said the same thing, but 600k Americans died an avoidable death. Freedoms loss can be regained, simply requires delayed gratification. Living with the virus is not freedom, you can ask the Indians , Indonesians and many others.

    ...if a harder lockdown does not work, then Victoria should be in the same boat as NSW by now. Even the PM has acknowledged the merits of a hard lockdown. is a protracted lockdown that would be more costly in all respect (economy, mental health)..and a hesitant lockdown leads to a protracted lockdown. And NSW has proven it...despite "harsher" lockdowns , the numbers remained steadfastly high.

    ...what I indicated was the refusal of Gladys to impose a hard lockdown would only protract the lockdown which causes economic strife which in turn reduces the political will to wait for a higher vaccination threshold before opening up which would, and validated by this below, entail living with the virus at much higher numbers (into the thousands).

    Lower vaccination target risks thousands of cases: experts
    David Marin-GuzmanWorkplace correspondent
    Jul 30, 2021 – 5.10pm

    Experts say that the difference between 70 and 80 per cent vaccination rates will be critical in reducing the virus, with the lower target expected to unleash more than 5000 cases a day.

    However, record daily vaccination rates in NSW suggest the country could hit the upper target this year, with Premier Gladys Berejiklian expecting the state to achieve more than 350,000 jabs a week this week after a surge in demand for the AstraZeneca vaccine.

    NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian says that the state is more than a third of the way towards its target of 10 million jabs. James Brickwood
    Professor Mikhail Prokopenko, director of the University of Sydney complex systems research group, said his modelling under the older virus variants found “at least 82 per cent” vaccination of the population was needed to avoid major lockdowns in the future.
    “It’s still not herd immunity, in the sense there’s not a collective protection for unvaccinated people, but at least the size of future outbreaks would not be that dramatic,” he said.

    Under an 80 per cent target, with partial restrictions, there would be an “at least manageable” 1000 to 2000 cases a day.

    But, under 70 per cent coverage, transmissions would more than double to 4000 to 5000 cases a day,

    Those estimated cases dramatically increase with the far more infectious delta variant.

    As significant as the difference in case numbers was, Professor Prokopenko said it was that last stretch of getting from 70 per cent to 80 per cent that “will be the hardest bit”.

    “When you get saturation the uptake flows down for various reasons, such as because people are adverse to the vaccine, so that last stretch I can’t really project when it will happen.

    “But if we have 70, not 80, a lot more transmission will be occurring.”

    He said at a certain point “a meaningful, ethical approach” was to consider “getting back to normal when everyone who wants to be vaccinated has an opportunity to do so”.

    Grattan Institute modelling released on Friday similarly found 80 per cent of the population needed to be vaccinated – and 95 per cent of the most vulnerable, including over-70s – to stop the virus running rampant and hospitals being overwhelmed.
    Daily records

    The study estimated that target could be achieved by the end of the year, as long as those under 12 years old were vaccinated.
    C-suite strategy consultancy Provocate’s VaxEnomic Forecaster found Australia would need to average between 197,000 and 234,000 jabs in arms per day in August to have 70 to 85 per cent on track to be vaccinated by the end of the year.

    However, that appeared possible as the country hit a new vaccination record on Thursday of more than 210,000 jabs, much of that driven by NSW.

    The state has been hitting daily records throughout this week and scored a new high of 83,637 jabs on Thursday as pharmacies in western Sydney were booked out for AstraZeneca appointments.

    The state’s jabs total for the week was more than 311,000, suggesting NSW could hit its target of 10 million jabs in the next three to four months.

    NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian said the state was more than one-third of the way to that target with 3.8 million jabs.
    “Our capacity has gone [up] from about 60,000 a week and we will be getting around up to 350,000 a week by the way we’re going in all the mass hubs,” she said.

    “If each of us can call five people we know that aren’t vaccinated and tell them to get the jab, we will get to 10 million quick fast and, ironically, will be the first state to have more freedoms.”

    Professor Prokopenko said the accelerating numbers in NSW was promising and suggested a rate of vaccination of 4 per cent a week.

    “I’m hopeful that we should be able to get to 70 per cent at some point this calendar year,” he said.

    “It’s difficult to project when we’ll get to 80 per cent but by mid-September we could get to 40 per cent.”
    From that point, he said, vaccinations would start playing the primary role in controlling the virus rather than the lockdown.
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