Its Over, page-5664

  1. 21,685 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2007
    Last morning I indicated that the good news is that the US market has calmed down and poised to turn the corner in the coming week but that we (ASX) may be more muted in our opening tomorrow for reasons specified in that post.

    But Andrews just announcement of further measures to ease lockdown in Victoria including lifting of curfew and the return of 127k workers back to work will weigh positively on our local market tomorrow. So that is a new positive and to be welcome.

    In fact , Australia has done incredibly well on the COVID front with 0 new cases in NSW, 1 in QLD and 16 in Victoria. Kudos to all the state Premiers who stuck on steadfastly to listen to science first and avoid trying to please everyone and balancing health with economy, the approach which the US and UK had taken and their case numbers have a lot to show for. And the UK is now following the path Victoria took.

    Once we get down to 0 across all states, the only threat to come is from overseas. As you saw the lone case in Qld was from overseas. Deal the overseas return appropriately strict and we will turn the corner and become the country to join NZ as those others can envy and emulate. But we still need to do our part, i.e social distancing, mask wearing, and personal hygiene.
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