A message for Freewill. My family tree is traced back to before...

  1. 224 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    A message for Freewill.

    My family tree is traced back to before Australia was colonized, we have nothing to be ashamed of and everything to be proud of. For hundreds of years before and after an aboriginal had seen a white man, we had been suffering at the hands of white men, our people taken/raped/murdered our land and riches stolen our leaders corrupted and conned, our spirit they tried to crush. Our highlands cleared, our clan system crushed, our people violently evicted. But white was just the color of the skin, it was really the people of power during those times.

    Since it appears you are acknowledging some sort of ancestral part in dispossessing aboriginals then you are of the same ancestral linage that harmed my people. Well your not to blame for your ancestors mistakes. my ancestors overcame and adapted because we have FREE WILL to make choices and decide between right and wrong, the FREE WILL to be a part of the society that currently surrounds us and contribute towards it.

    I could not be more prouder to be a an Australian with Scottish lineage, it really gets my goat when people insinuate that because I am white I owe something.

    Any way back to the thread I would prefer to see Australia stay the way it is with no more immigration unless skilled because it is needed.

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