When the leader of the failing American empire needs a new and...

  1. 9 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 8
    When the leader of the failing American empire needs a new and aggressive device for global disruption, he turns to one of the most socially damaging tactic that can be employed – “trade sanctions”. When initiating new and perpetuating old ‘killing fields’ in foreign countries, nothing can be more devastating than Trade Sanctions, for both the issuer and the recipient! The ultimate impact of these maniacal sanctions is economic and social caos for all involved. It is truly a no-win / no-win deal.​
    This is a great article from Dr Paul Craig Roberts about the impact of trade sanctions.

    Here is an extract from this article. DrPCR is spot on here, as usual!

    “Sanctions are an assertion of hegemony of one country over another. They are an assertion that the imposer of sanctions has extra-legal international authority to tell other sovereign states what to do or to suffer consequences if they do not.”​
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