It's to be hoped

  1. 90,831 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    California is pretty big on changing building codes in history.

    Let us hope that they don't focus on this water issue - why? because

    No 'water system in the world' could have handled the LA fires

    and that's probably correct.

    What should be the focus is for rebuilding -------- build houses that don't burn

    it's not 'that' difficult

    no flammable plants in the garden
    fire retardant or resistant gardens
    sealed roofs
    fire shutters on windows
    fire doors for external doors

    it is NOT that hard when you build from scratch - and there's a LOT of building from scratch to do.

    It's also to be hoped that Oz might learn some lessons ------- but, that's a really big stretch
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