you only need masses of water to fight fires where buildings are...

  1. 90,833 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    you only need masses of water to fight fires where buildings are alight

    if your home is sitting there ok - but, under cinder attack - you need about a cupful a time (ok, a tad more, but not much)

    the whole point 'should' be - that if the structures don't catch fire in the first place - you don't need masses of water

    at best - all you need to do is to keep an eye on the cinders - and even then, if what they fall on won't burn ---------- just sit back and look on with interest

    I don't think you could build a water supply system to get so much water to an area where you have say - 20 or 50 houses on fire and you want to put them out

    I doubt if that's possible - and to have the same system running everywhere

    the trick - is to make sure the buildings don't catch fire in the first place -

    it isn't that hard ---------- and it isn't that expensive.
    Last edited by pintohoo: 11/01/25
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