On the one hand Bernie's looking like he might get the most...

  1. 980 Posts.
    On the one hand Bernie's looking like he might get the most delegates, on the other hand this:

    "Less than half of Americans, 45%, say they would vote for a socialist for president, while 53% say they would not".

    I think if Bernie's the opponent the Don'll take Illinois and maybe even Washington State. Against Biden I'd see the Don taking 346 to 391 electoral college votes, against Bernie I'd say 411 or 423.

    The Dems have no choice, they have to (once again) cheat Bernie out of the nomination. They'll cheat him but pay him off, same as 2016. I see two scenarios:

    Scenario 1): They compensate him well and he goes quietly, endorsing their chosen one just like last time. I'm guessing they want Bloomberg with Clinton as running mate with a mountain cash going to the DNC. If this is the path then Bernie will demand a lot more than he got in 2016. That's no problem, I'm sure they can get the money from Bloomberg.

    Scenario 2): They DON'T come to the table with enough or he's just so angry they can't buy him off (unlikely) so he runs as a third-party candidate (maybe with Tulsi as his running mate) and he splits the vote. This would be the Dems worst possible nightmare.

    In Scenario 1 Trump gets somewhere between 346 to 391 but probably closer to the 346 end. A lot of the Bernie Bros either stay home or vote Trump in protest. Clinton has no incentive to Arkancide Bloomberg, he gets to live the few years he has left. Lucky for him they have no chance of winning.

    In Scenario 2 we'd see the Don sweep all 50 states, a win of historic and biblical proportions. In the mainstream media, Hollywood and at the DNC there'll be rivers of tears, speaking-in-tongues, mouths frothing, heads exploding. The wailing will be heard around the world for the next four years. Of course there'd be no further impeachment threats because the Republicans will control the House and the Senate.
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