I've been nowhere., page-30

  1. 18,039 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 158
    @Joannie I haven't laughed so much in years (at times I was almost embarrassed). Even though the accent is at times difficult to understand, the beauty of it is, that on the re-telling, they will appear new to me - haha!!smile.png -
    The fellow who will do my garden is a much more sedate man, than my 'singer', only 3 years older, but he has children who attended the same music school my girl did, but not at the same time. One of his daughters has gone back to Ireland to follow a musical career.
    They both make me feel sort of 'at home' - it's hard to express what I feel - I guess 'comfortable' is the word, and not having to worry what I say, too. Nothing causes offence, everything is good for a laugh,
    That's how life should be, it is serious enough as is!
    Take care

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