I've ovrcome my disgust. Now time to vote 'YES'

  1. 1,854 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 50
    Man, there's been an awful lot unsaid about Australia 2023, anglo-colonial-Aussies, immigant-non-anglo Aussies, and Aboriginal-Aussies.

    Dunno 'bout you, but I am one, apparently: an Anglo-Aussie.

    I don't give a rats who you are or what you think: this is my land, from which I sprung. I am here and here is me.
    You hate yourself? You hate being here? Great: I agree! I hate you too, and wish you'd piss off.

    But there are critical questions which the self-righteous / self-loathing brigade cannot fathom.
    How is our country, Australia, to assert itself, to assert ourselves, as the foremost achievement of humanity, without first of all resolving the trauma of the colonial era?

    You find it risible, that we in Australia represent the foremost of humanity?
    That's your problem, right there. chum.

    We are.

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