The misinformation and lack of knowledge in regards to vaccines...

  1. 233 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 39
    The misinformation and lack of knowledge in regards to vaccines and especially facts regarding this current virus is disgraceful and shows a complete lack of leadership worldwide and it doesn't look like any changes for the good will come out of it anytime soon.

    Vaccines do not cure or eliminate viruses or disease but are highly effective in controlling the impact and spread of them by building or creating resistance to them and a lot of them need boosting as resistance drops over time. Viruses like all life forms need ideal conditions and hosts to thrive and multiply and vaccines work by affecting their ability to do so in the same way herd immunity does by creating antibodies to defend against the next attack if the hosts haven't all been eliminated..

    All the viruses and diseases we have vaccines for have not been eliminated like a lot would have you believe but lay dormant waiting for the right conditions to present again and a lot can still be contracted by a host who because they have the antibodies and resistance are A symptomatic showing no signs of infection but still pass them on to hosts with less resistance as a lot of native populations have had happen to them in the past.

    Either way this virus isn't going away until we have the antibodies and resistance to fight it off be that by vaccination or repeated infection if you're strong enough to survive it running it's course..

    I haven't been vaccinated against this virus and the media reports of side effects do add doubt and worry but if my Doc advised me that drinking a litre of mucus will be effective in helping me beat it and also making a safer environment for my children and everyone else's like past vaccines have done then I'll skull that custard down in one go no matter what the chances of side effects are.
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