Jacinta Price and the Voice, page-104

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    Everybody I know will be voting NO,  I live 2000kms away from the where all the diehard lefties live in dopey Dan's mad mad world so I'm unlikely to know anybody voting yes.

    This is a terrible way to change Australia’s Constitution

    A blank cheque to be filled in later by a Labor government and supposedly independent experts? This should be laughed out of the court of public opinion.
    James AllanProfessor of law
    Jan 29, 2023 – 2.07pm

    One of the most famous bits of political writing today goes under the name of The Federalist Papers. These papers were written in serial form back in 1788-89. They were written anonymously under the pen-name Publius. In fact, they were a three-man joint effort, the authors being Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison.
    Yes, Hamilton was the abolitionist who served as an officer in the American Revolutionary War, was first secretary of the Treasury, founded the First Bank of the United States, died in a duel with Aaron Burr, and is best known by young people today for an eponymous hit musical.
    Jay was also an abolitionist, second governor of New York and first chief justice of the US. Madison was a slave owner, but also the driving genius behind the writing of the US Constitution, and the fourth president of the United States.

    Is this the optimum way to alter the founding document of the nation? State Library of NSW
    After the Revolutionary War, the Thirteen Colonies operated under the Articles of Confederation. Some wanted to change that highly decentralised constitutional arrangement. Some did not.
    The former are today called federalists. And what the federalists had to do was to convince the voters of those newly formed United States that changing their constitutional arrangements was a good idea.

    So, that was what Hamilton, Jay and Madison set out: a balanced defence of the proposed new Constitution, first to the people of the state of New York and then to the other states. It amounted to an extensive explanation of the provisions. Its currency was details and arguments.
    No details until later. No extensive explanations. Heck, basically no explanations at all.
    Now compare that with how the Albanese government is trying to change Australia’s Constitution when it comes to this Voice proposal. No details till later. No extensive explanations. Heck, basically no explanations at all. Just say “yes” and parliament (one with both houses presently controlled by Labor and the Greens) will fill in the details later.
    Not beforehand, and presented to the voters for their inspection and consideration as was the only possible route to success for the authors of The Federalist Papers. But later, after the fact. Call the Albanese approach the “blank cheque” or “trust us, we’re from the government” approach to amending one of the oldest and most successful written constitutions in the democratic world. Ours.
    And then, when pushed, the Albanese response is along the lines of: “All these constitutional experts say this is a good idea. So just trust them, too.”
    Well, let me put my cards on the table and say that I am opposed to the Albanese government’s proposed Voice constitutional amendment. I think this proposal is a bad one for a host of reasons. Any such body written into the Constitution will trigger much more judicial activism. (I know. I saw the exact same thing in my native Canada after the 1982 constitutional amendments there.)

    Nearly everything will be justiciable. This Voice will turn into a de facto third legislative body. There will be known unknowns and unknown unknowns. Also, and this is important for me, this proposed Voice will divide Australians and treat them differently by race.
    Incoherent concept

    Or, if you take a scientific definition of race, which makes the whole concept more or less incoherent as regards humans, then it will treat Australians differently based on traits they were born with and have no control over. That hasn’t worked out well anywhere on earth, ever.
    And for those who want to play the “only experts can have views” card, a terrible road to go down, I’ve published at least as many constitutional law articles in top law journals around the world as almost all of the Albanese “experts” trotted out. The key difference is that I am one of the very few conservatives who works in any Australian university law school.
    At any rate, my point here is not to argue the big-picture merits and demerits of this Voice proposal. It is simply to note how remarkable it is that Team Albanese is asking voters to approve some unspecified, no-details-until-later constitutional changes.
    Alexander, Jay and Madison would have been laughed out of the court of public opinion back in the newly formed US. Actually, those three were too smart to have tried that sort of approach, because written constitutions are too important to be changed and altered without giving voters – the ultimate author of any changes – any real specifics or details.

    It gets even worse, I’m afraid. In a bid to tilt the things in their own favour, Anthony Albanese and his government are rewriting the rules of the “how to run a constitutional referendum” game. For over 100 years we have run these by letting both the Yes side and the No side put forward their cases, to be delivered to each household in the country.
    In the eye of the beholder

    Not this time. It seems that instead we’ll get some “independent and impartial” review of the merits of the proposed Voice. Alas, on these sorts of matters independence is in the eye of beholder. That is why our whole common law legal system is built on the adversarial system, which leaves each side to make its own best case. Because that’s a better way of getting to the truth than some government-appointed experts who give you the anointed view.
    But this time, for the first time in over a century, Albanese won’t let voters see the No case written by those who believe in that case. It reminds one of those Twitter fact-checkers who told us for years that they were playing it down the middle. Until Elon Musk bought the company and released the Twitter Files showing that fact-checkers are just opinion-imposers.
    Fine. Let the Yes case be made. But allow the same for the No case.
    And most important of all, voters should remember that nowhere else in the democratic world has any government ever asked citizens to sign up to something whose detail will be filled in later.
    That’s about the worst way to make constitutional change. The authors of The Federalist Papers would have agreed. It would be laughable if it weren’t so serious.
    James Allen is Garrick Professor of Law at The University of Queensland.
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