jail plan for flag-burners - you beauty!!!, page-25

  1. 473 Posts.

    Take your points on board and will have to agree to disagree on this one.

    Born in Darlingshurt hospital many years ago , you won't find a more patriotic supporter at a Wallabies - All Black tussle or more to the point a person more moved with compassion and respect at a Anzac Day march but me thinks this is not the point we are discussing.

    It might be pertinent to explain my point by using the individual in comparison.

    A confident and wise individual reacts to outside stimuli in a different manner to one that lacks confidence, wisdom. You would agree this a fact.

    Why this difference?

    The confident individual has a sense of identity from his / her education, values , personal history, morals that allows and objective evaluation of criticism.

    They are wise enough to believe constructive criticism does exist but more importantly have the presence of mind to evaluate that criticism as objective or subjective. If subjective the confident person has the ability to disregard the criticism for want it is.

    I would like to think Australia is a 'work in progress' to becoming a confident individual.

    A flag is symbolic to many of all that is right and wrong with Australia I agree, but by taking personally the destruction of that symbol by subjective actions, shows the 'work in progress' has only just started.

    Yak you will probably react to this post but I promise you I will take it on board in an objective manner lol.

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