Jan 6th Committee Public Hearing Live, page-2016

  1. 6,591 Posts.
    Hopefully the 1st of many payments to come.

    Yep more Trump loses.
    Hard to believe as Trumpy only employs the best people, like the Elite Strike Force squad.

    Take Rudy for example.

    “Giuliani to Senator: ‘Try to Just Slow it Down’

    The president’s lawyer tries to block the count of the Electoral College votes

    Rudy Giuliani, a lawyer and top adviser to President Donald Trump, is calling Republican lawmakers urging them to delay the electoral vote count by at least one day to allow the president and his team to present more evidence of alleged election fraud. Giuliani was making calls this evening, as late as an hour before Congress reconvened, in a desperate attempt to block the final count of Electoral College votes

    The problem for Giuliani? He left his message on the voicemail of another senator, who shared it with The Dispatch."


    Wonder if Ruby’s lawyers will use this. They probably have plenty of material.

    “Rudy Giuliani to a Georgia House committee on debunked video of Fulton Co. 'suitcases' that were standard ballot containers: "They look like they're passing out dope, not just ballots...your R gov, R lt. gov & your R sec of state persist in continuing in a cover-up of a crime."”

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