J6 Committee Democrats hire TV Exec, former ABC News President...

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    J6 Committee Democrats hire TV Exec, former ABC News President James Goldston to "produce" this month's slate of hearings on the Capitol "riot".

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    J6: The Insurrection, a James Goldston production.

    Proudly brought to you by Pfizer

    The USA Democratic Party overtly steals the 2020 federal election in a widespread coup and then pretend that the people who protested the coup on January 6, threatened Democracy.

    Who is Ray Epps? The most notorious Fed agent provocateur present on January 6. Captured on video many times, advocating that demonstrators should "go in" to the Capitol building.

    Where is he now? Free as a bird on his Arizona ranch, under full Fed protection!

    Will he star in J6: The Insurrection? Will we see his many video appearances again? What do you think?

    Truth, Justice ... or the American way.

    The USA is at war with Russia because of what Americans are told by an installed leader who based his campaign for POTUS on lies about Russia. Instead of talking about this, the world is fed a production about how a couple of shirtless blokes in a Viking helmet, almost brought down democracy.

    As Leftist icon Noam Chomsky publicly stated recently, "the only Statesman of stature who is calling for a diplomatic solution to the Ukraine crisis, is Donald J Trump".

    The Jan 6 protesters are being treated as a gaslighting campaign to cover up the fake election. Those poor blokes have been held in solitary for a year and a half, just so Democrats can roll them out in time for an election and make a show of it all. They also just charged the Proud Boys leader and four others with sedition. The timing is no coincidence.

    Former Trump political and economics advisor, Peter Navarro was arrested at the airport recently. The 72yo (and one of the most vocal critics of the J6 arrests) was handcuffed, placed in leg irons and later strip searched. Clearly this is outside the bounds of how any civilised country should behave. The arrest was later found to be illegal and an abuse of process by the legislature. He was arrested purely for political purposes. Isn't that the action of a Dictator?

    The swamp doesn’t need to be drained, it needs an exorcism. The tunnels under DC go straight to Hell ... and we know just the man to do it.

    Coming in 2024, Donald J Trump stars in, J6: The Second Coming


    Biden is asleep ... literally. The US MIC is out of control.

    It doesn't matter who the US votes for. They all take the same kick backs, from the same people and go to the same sex and drugs parties. Democracy is an illusion. Trump tried to expose it. The US Elite don't want a POTUS to actually do anything, except to take the blame. They want Dubya, Obama, Biden.

    They all attend the same prep schools, go to Harvard, Yale and Penn together. Marry each other. Hire their law school roommate. Appoint each other to powerful positions. They are in front of cameras and behind microphones lying and covering up for each other. They are a hive.

    Was BLM solved? Was COVID ever really a problem which required the extent of madness that ensued? Afghanistan, Ukraine and now Somalia again ... and you all want this and cheer?


    Wake up? NO. Snap out of it!

    People don't realise they've been trained by MSM. Like a Hypnotist who convinces people they are a chicken, whenever they hear the trigger word.

    Every time they hear "Trump", they just cluck like chickens.Climate change, the Alphabet, hate Breeders, deny God, you're intelligent (if you follow), they're not, Trump, BLM, COVID, Ukraine, Abortion, MonkeyPox, the next thing.

    Our education institutions are no longer about education but indoctrination.



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