I posted this under "Australia Day Video - MLA " However , after...

  1. 6,437 Posts.
    I posted this  under "Australia Day Video - MLA "

    However , after listening to Meat Industry reps and their marketing reps bow to pressure from the Political Correctness Brigade not mention "Australia Day" in their ad because it is too insensitive.  I  decided to post under a separate header  

    The interview on ABC National also included a spokeswoman from some Aboriginal group who was upset that they were advertising what appeared to be appeasement for "Invasion Day"

    God help us

    A silent coup has occurred in Australia IMO , we have laid down and allowed subversive forces to roll over us . We have surrendered .

    So now we are too afraid to mention ""Australia Day"  because it will upset people . I've got news for you ....it will always upset someone , so the lesson is  we don't do anything that may upset someone  . Maybe it's a good thing we have Turnbull because he fits that mould  beautifully  ....do nothing

    I am ashamed that so called professional people in this country have surrendered our country to leftist political correctness . Maybe we should turn Australia Day into National We Are Sorry For Everything Day . Sorry  we developed this place  , sorry we defended it , sorry we give untold billions to a mass of people who cannot help themselves and want to live in the past . Sorry we haven't accepted more economic parasites who will eventually along with the army of welfare dependants bankrupt us . Sorry we practice christianity . Sorry , sorry , sorry

    I am so bleeding sorry

    Sorry for repeating my post
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