jeff hanneman dead - flesh eating bacteria

  1. 7,404 Posts.
    never being interested in slayer (years ago i heard a few of their songs - they they weren't very inspiring, to say the least)

    "Slayer guitarist Jeff Hanneman has died aged 49 from liver failure.

    "The co-founder of the heavy metal band died in a California hospital after contracting necrotising fasciitis, a flesh-eating disease which attacks subcutaneous tissue, from a spider bite."

    i also have the same disease, but the reason why it hasn't killed me yet may be because of a reasonably clean-living lifestyle.
    this bacteria starts eating away under the flesh
    i keep it at bay by treating the wounds with hydrogen peroxide and creams.
    i think it may be having a go at my internal organs since i can no longer digest oils like avocadoes
    feel drained of energy, and aching in upper arms where a lot of the sores break out
    run-of-the-mill doctors are useless when it comes to this.
    anyone here had any success with using ionic colliodal silver to treat bacterial disease?


    (Jeff Hanneman/Tom Araya)

    Peaceful confrontation meet war machine
    Seizing all civil liberties
    Honest ballotation among banshee
    Spilling blood throughout humanity
    You cannot hide the face of death
    Oppression ruled by bloodshed
    No disguise can deface evil
    The massacre of innocent people

    Deviated lies fear blinding in your eyes
    Enforcing their truth through a gun
    Aggressive discipline and barbaric control
    Thousands of people cannot be wrong

    You cannot hide the face of death
    Oppression rules by bloodshed
    No disguise can hide the evil
    That stains the primitive sickle

    Blood red

    Growing opposition with words as ammunition
    Expressions of life's liberties
    Aggressive discipline and barbaric control
    Spilling blood throughout humanity
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