It's getting so much harder to know what is real and what is...

  1. 6,754 Posts.
    It's getting so much harder to know what is real and what is not, what is truth and what is click-bait.

    With regards to religion, their truth is a relative truth to start with and then we have to contend with a special kind of expert who generally has not succeeded in all other walks of life. Religion then offers them an outlet where if they speak loudly, hold a Bible and appear confident as if they know what they are talking about, a certain percentage of people will accept that they have inner knowledge of God and the whole shooting match, which of course they do not.

    As for UFOs, alien abduction, cattle mutilation, and their ilk, I just don't know what to believe. Some people sound so genuine. Some events seem to have the ring of truth. I've even experienced something that I have not been able to assign to the prosaic, but that doesn't mean it was anything other than the ordinary doing something extraordinary.

    There is a massive price to pay for human consciousness and that is we make reality inside our skulls which means we can make all sorts of other realities as well. Religion is the most fertile grounds for the free range of permissible, acceptable insanity, which is not to say that somewhere in the deeper reaches of a reality that is beyond us there is something ultra real behind religion. Religion seems essential and that's a conundrum for me.

    And if religion is not enough for you then there are UFOs, bigfoot and various cryptids, porn, gambling, reality TV, romance novels, mobile phones, gaming and influencers to occupy to intangible human consciousness. The people who rule the world tell make it clear that humans have little interest in reality.

    There is some probable truth to UFOs, not so much the claims of religion.
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