I don't think any religious organisation is even knows a half of...

  1. 10,423 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    I don't think any religious organisation is even knows a half of what goes on behind closed doors. When a family member abuses another family member it really is a Police matter, not a Church matter.

    I was actually bought up as a JW, over all I was involved for around 20 odd years, I have not been involved for more than 30 years now, but I have to say I never experienced nor was aware of any child abuse within the Congregations I was a part of. That said it doesn't mean it did not and does not happen behind closed doors somewhere.

    It is very disappointing when you read of this type of thing, though I wouldn't take all reports as being "gospel" either. The JW's take great pride in their Church, their beliefs, and have a deep respect for each other...but they are only people, men and women who try to live a life according to Biblical principles. They are all "imperfect" as they all will attest, and sadly for all there will be some who will take advantage of their position in an organisation and abuse that position.

    As in all these situations, it is but a handful of losers who will damage the reputation of so many...

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