jessica watson returns today

  1. 10,475 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 7
    What an amazing feat for any person, let alone a 16 year old. Her return to Sydney Harbour will be televised on 10 and One from 11am.

    Watson to sail into sea of cash
    Sarah Elks From: The Australian May 15, 2010 12:00AM

    WHEN solo sailor Jessica Watson arrives in Sydney Harbour today, she can look forward to more than a heroine's welcome -- the 16-year-old is tipped to have a million-dollar career ahead of her.

    With a book to hit shelves in August, a national promotional tour to spruik the tome, lucrative corporate endorsements and a flurry of media attention surrounding her return, the selling of Jessica Watson, the brand, is big business.

    The public appetite for Watson's feat, solo-circumnavigating the globe at 16, unassisted, has built steadily since she left Sydney in October last year and has skyrocketed as the finish line nears.

    Watson's manager, Andrew Fraser, said that when she returned, Watson would first focus on her book, True Spirit: The Aussie Girl who Took on the World, and a Ten Network documentary depicting her voyage.

    "Then we will sit down and sort through the ever-increasing file of opportunities and requests once she comes up for air and is well rested," he said.

    Before Watson set sail, publisher Hachette Australia quietly inked in the book deal, which will see copies of the $35 paperback available locally on August 1.

    The sailor has also secured the sponsorship of the Ten Network and News Limited, publisher of The Weekend Australian. Ten will broadcast Watson's homecoming today.

    Watson will also embark on a three-state tour this month for her major sponsor, cosmetics company Ella Bache.

    Media buyer Harold Mitchell, executive chairman of Mitchell Communications, said sponsors would continue to line up for Watson.

    "This young girl is hot property," Mr Mitchell said. "I would say you could see the million-dollar career in her future."

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