The ecconomic contribution really does not matter , everything...

  1. 3,791 Posts.
    The ecconomic contribution really does not matter , everything is not about ecconomic return .

    You want her sitting in school , becoming an elite doctor and p*ssing off overseas ?? the two points dont connect with due respect ..her achievement is " above and beyond " expectation .

    And if you really really really ..HAVE TO put a dollar value on it , she has achieved plenty , more than can be imagined , inspired young people to follow their passions , to go , to try , to dream , to create ....

    She might even inspire the Odd share trader , to look beyond their own nose , to ge ride a bike , to run around the block walk a few ks , to travel and enjoy ...but as said above " CREATE " ..dream , and achieve ..

    Yes , looking purely at $$$$$$ ..she is owed plenty , dont belittle an absolutely brilliant achievment ..Wish i COULD DO IT , and Im 49 years old .

    How some people , who perform in their lives , sitting in front of a screen on their backsides could feel the need to critoise a young girl who has actually completed a dream , and inspired a Nation completely beyond me .
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