In the process of getting where we are, we lost over double to...

  1. 23,938 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    In the process of getting where we are, we lost over double to what you say you spent here = ouch. (GFC)

    But, for what we spent on our main property in purchasing it, we got back 10 fold over 15 yrs and the good news, due to good accounting advice at the time of purchasing, we paid zero CGT.

    "Never again"

    Lol, over the years, we got approached by all sorts or potential developers, with deals that were pretty much laughable.

    Pre the GFC, you could sell land North of us (ac's) for high money, based on speculation only, that it would go urban.
    One lady, farmer sold her 100 odd ac's for 23mill.
    The mob that purchased it, dressed up some paperwork, decorated it lol, and resold the property as shares in, to smaller investors and the total sale price ended up being 32 mill.
    Not bad money for a bit of paper work. lol
    Anyway, a lot of these small investors borrowed money to enter, then the GFC hit, property values crashed and the banks had to step in.
    It then resold to a one of guy for 14 mill.

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