""Your father abraham was glad to see my day, and saw perceived...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    ""Your father abraham was glad to see my day, and saw perceived (inter) it and rejoiced."

    Lights ON and GET Home -> "my day" is NOT a particular day back in Abrahams time, the "my day" had not yet come.

    Before Abraham I am = I was (inter, so that shows you the I am context)

    Before Abraham I am -> Rev 13:8 - All who dwell on the earth will worship him, whose names have not been written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
    Before Abraham I am Gen 3:15 etc, etc, BECAUSE the Bible says so.

    Hence, in the plans and purposes of the God and Father, he was well and truly before Abraham.
    Jesus gave up on the ones that said he had a demon in him, so he left them floundering and walked off.

    And to think that the goats think Jesus is saying, he is the I AM in Ex = what.pngsmile.png
    It's a bit like when he is asked the likes of - are you the son of God and he says - I am which simple means he is saying 'YES', and the goats go, see, see he is saying he is the I AM = where in the bleepers do they get these wild creative imaginations from tongue.png

    Did someone say -> "because ye are not of God" but "Ye are of your father the devil" eek.png

    Jesus is telling em, that spiritually they were of the other father.
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