igilug,Dont flatter yourself champ,look at the time of the posts...

  1. 7,453 Posts.
    Dont flatter yourself champ,look at the time of the posts champ
    i just simply went to bed,what you want me to stay all night?

    Happy to answer questions if the poster is genuine

    I already answered some of his questions,but as usual they were ignored,but i suspect like you,it more than likely went over his head

    But,why should i

    1 Answer questions that have already been proven,on this thread and others

    2 Struggler,is struggling with the subject as is dlux,my old madame blavatsky follower,he only ever cuts and pastes anyway,its never his own opinion,and like most opponents of true Christianity, he will only ask questions and not answer any,which seams to be the case on hc,one way conversations

    3 I mean you only have to look at the questions and straw men being asked,as i mentioned on this thread,the so called Christianity you tear down is a pagan form, which originated from pagan Rome,Babylon anyway,so your point is invalid to people who know true Christianity and its teachings

    4 How about not being intelectually lazy,and dont assume what people believe

    The old one size fits all attack is ridiculous and just shows an agenda,bias,and dishonesty
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